
There isn’t binary logic in the decision path that would decide to kill one person vs another. The software will never sacrifice somebody, because it doesn’t work that way. It works in less-obviously deterministic ways. Ways that produce far less satisfying explanations of “why.”

That’s because you’re a peon and not rich and well connected.

I really miss lock down F1, it was all business and none of this BS.

It’s honestly a beautiful car on the inside with all the technology and luxury one would expect and more. I was on the team that worked on the interior products and “WOW” seats, where you have massage functions and over 30 ways to adjust. If you ever get a chance to sit in one, or even drive it then give it a shot.

The fire extinguishing is for a fuel related fire, but if the oil system gets breached then the oil gets to places that one cannot apply extinguishing material - as others have posted, this is particularly true outside the engine proper and includes the nacelle and fan housing where fuel normally is not.

Considering they have different ounces and gallons, it’s nice to see the confirmation that the year is the same

I think you and Torch sound like a perfect Odd Couple. I’d watch that show.

Also, ‘fly farting over an ice cube’ garnered my chuckle of the day. 

But apart from that, it was good yeah?

for a year in England for 12 months

I was going to say - “What did you expect? It’s a Renault.”

Same thing...

Damnit, until you came along we could imagine it was a work of unrecognized genius, safe in the knowledge that we’d never encounter a real Avantime owner. It was Schrodinger’s car, now it’s just another terrible French attempt at luxury.

so basically it was French

From this post, not only did I learn that the Avantime was an exercise in horrible everything, but also I realized every gate agent and flight attendant I’ve heard refer to rolling carry-on suitcases has incorrectly called them roller-boards instead of roll-aboards. It never occured to me that it didn’t make any sense.

What you said is kinda blaming the victim here... even if the driver wasn’t signalling a turn the car slowing down with its brake lights on was more than enough to alert anybody behind to slow down so it’s 100% the truck driver’s fault.

Good choices! 12 Monkeys almost made it, but Soylent Green didn’t really occur to me.

“All User Input is Error”

It is not much force to break the AP, Ive done it many times by accident just trying to let it know that I was still on the wheel.

No, but it is hard for people to pay attention (apparently).

It’s a relic from yore-times to make your legs look longer.

we ended up with the I-pace”