Maybe what’s holding people back are bullshit statements like this:
Maybe what’s holding people back are bullshit statements like this:
Headline image shows a 2022 Kia EV-6 - one of the models NOT affected. High quality Jalop clickbait as usual.
“Not actual gameplay” is a huge red flag.
It’s called CCS. The US is the ONLY market where Tesla refuse to use the dominant standard. If you buy one in Europe, it comes with a local flavour CCS charger, not the proprietary US-only one.
Musk is desperate. They have nothing new, and people have finally woken up and realised that every other EV manufacturer builds better quality vehicles than Tesla.
Given that this is the ONLY market where Tesla use a proprietary connector, it would seem that THEY should be the ones changing their hardware, not every other manufacturer. Buy a Tesla in Europe (or pretty much anywhere else) and it comes with the local flavour of CCS. The last thing we need in a fledgling EV market…
“the average person thought Tesla was an incredible automaker”
He only has two expressions. Constipated, and dumbfuck.
It was only a matter of time before an elected Republican stood up and said this. This shouldn’t surprise anyone. If you ever needed a quick barometer of who you can safely talk to or not, flat-earthers are a super low bar that you can eliminate immediately.
Utah : Subaru Outback.
The culprit isn’t range anxiety, it’s a shite charging network. *cough EA *cough.
Unless you own a Mini-E, then every EV on the market in the US could do that commute, in the winter, with no problem. An EV is not a phone. You can quite safely run it down to a couple of percent with no problems. Remember - if the power goes out, gas pumps don’t work either .....
How do we think Indy would feel if we told them to speed up their slow cars, get rid of the enclosed cockpit, race exclusively on non-oval, non-street tracks, cut half of the American circuits of out of the calendar in favour of a more international flavour, and not have qualifying a month before the race?
Once they get that irate, slowing down does nothing. They’ll just slow down with you.
Electrify America are probably the worst. Their EVSE’s are just absolute junk. Our local Sam’s Club in Salt Lake City has a bank of 8 of them. Since October last year, 5 have been down. Of the 3 that are not, two are capped at 35kW and the last one resets it’s connection to the vehicle every 90 seconds. The same story…
Of course it’s disproportionate compared to dino-burner tax. Three reasons:
You can say what you “think” is true but that doesn’t make it the truth. That makes it an opinion. And opinions are by their very nature, not the truth.
“Twitter is not a partisan site. Everybody is allowed here. And we think that’s a good thing”