
I'm not in on the IPA backlash, it's still probably my favorite style (although gueuze could give it a run for its money), but it's definitely problematic in the following sense, I think:

I agree, but this explains the pervasive cultural thing where men don't want their daughters or sisters to go near men because they "know what they're like." Instead of, y'know, not acting like sexual predators and normalizing such behavior implicitly and explicitly.

This is…pretty terrible. He both manages to make a bunch of cogent analyses of how the film works and fails utterly to tie it to his grander thesis. It also presupposes that Arrival is great, which is more than a little debatable. But the assumption that the filmmaker was commenting on how bad film is and decided to

Interesting. Any other random phrases completely disconnected from the conversation at hand you'd like to spew, or are you working on addressing the topic at some point?

If your idea of a good burger doesn't involve salt, sure.

So Prometheus.

Well my bias has been confirmed, I'm happy.

Oh, man, you should tell literally every single football team this, they've all been doing it wrong!

He's immensely talented…but he's ALSO incredibly handsome!

I'm very confused how the whole "debate" doesn't end with: they blew up a plan. They committed planetary genocide. How many mental hoops need to be jumped through to spin that into good guy sauce?

"if the circumstances of that time period involved someone I loved being murdered, I think I absolutely could."

Trailer good. E! online player: sucktastic filth.

This comment brought me much happiness even though I have no background whatsoever in industrial design and I thank you for taking your time to make it.

Hey now, there's no reason to draw such dangerous presumptions. There's nothing in those tweets that suggests Ava was NOT there with her chaperone, right?

God this book fucking sucked.

Well, thanks for sharing your opinion that you're ok with the addition of words to the English language that meet your personal standards for grace, man.

Eh. Tautology can refer to a grammatical failing, as you're implying, where you're being redundant. Or, in the usage I was intending, that you're (incorrectly) assigning your personal opinion as a universal truth, which is the foundation of your argument.

But I disagree with your assessment that language should basically be sufficient at this point and should stop evolving.

Yes, thank you for acknowledging that your entire argument is based on the perceived tautology that "it sounds dumb."

Are you saying that there was no other way do determine of Rose McGowan looks sexy?