Colonial Foot Soldier

So many people don't read the article. 

Author is unaware of the difference between a passenger ship vs. a recreational vessel, presumably on purpose because it would negate her theory that these 1%rs they are purposefully turning them off to avoid detection.

The bit about every passenger boat needing an AIS transponder is wrong.  Certain commercial vessels do.  The majority of private boats do not.  However, as costs have fallen precipitously in recent years, it is becoming more common for private operators of small boats (aka your “yachts”) to have them.  Useful for

I personally would greatly enjoy an Aston F1 car with the lighter green of the DBR9 with pink accents for BWT. Replace the orange w/ pink & make it a little more lively and I’m in.

And the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

We got Formula E over here...
See nobody cares...

This. Rather than spend money on Beefsquatch, I’d rather just hit up the junkyards later on and make the rig what I want it to be.

Those states were asking for it. Look at how they reopened.” -You, probably.

Ugh. Guess what happens when you protest in the street? Hmmm. I wonder?  

People who dont stand in the middle of the road get hit 0% of the time. True story.

Ditch Kevin, Keep Roman.

My thoughts exactly. Brilliant marketing by ford

The only one that has me puzzled is the Land Rover Discovery. It’s not yours. Why not just tell you friend to come and get their car? I wouldn’t spend time working on something that isn’t yours, when your own cars are in peril.

It appears as though the powers that be at Jalopnik chose to hide/dismiss the most starred comment (at 120 stars) on this article despite being a respectable comment that happened to contradict the author.  Copying and reposting it, because it deserves to be read and not stricken from the record being in contradiction

protesters brought this on themselves by attacking people in their vehicles. They made it unsafe for a driver to stop, so wtf are they trying to go for here?

I really don’t understand the headline or tone of the article.

Stroll has basically taken over Aston and is focused on growing the brand including becoming a works F1 team.... again Billionaire......who stepped in to save the company and turn it around....his steps to reorganise and reinvigorate the company are fresh

Totally unrelated to the discussion, but I think the 5th gen (1967-69) T-birds are underappreciated.