
Mexico City is, surprisingly, unknown by so many. Glad I had the privilege of being born there. Great comment/photos!

What a shitty grab for revenue.

The contacts let him assess your thetan level.

Wow. A lot of you should stop clicking on BvS articles. They have become an echo chamber of hate. It would be interesting, but every single comment is so utterly predictable.

Yes agree

They used ludicrous speed.

While this is an interesting concept for shedding pounds (albeit relatively ineffective), I’ve seen great success using a much cheaper technique in the past. It’s called “eat less” and “move more”. I don’t stop eating the shit I like, I just eat less of it. Maybe one twinkie instead of 6, for example...

I wasn’t trolling you - promise. I was being sarcastic. I totally agree with you that this is money that can be spent in better places.

“my computer mouse sits to the right of my keyboard, I wear watches on my right wrist”

Jim Davis presents “Godzilla Minus Godzilla”.

You fool! Merely mentioning The Great Uprising of 2018 moves it out to 2028 at a minimum! How could you not have calculated that?!!?

I just figured since the restaurant was called Tokyo, and the fact that the sign said “Japanese and hibachi,” it would have clued these college girls in on the fact that this wasn’t a Chinese restaurant.

Fucking with someone’s Grandma (particularly mine) is grounds for a slow painful death in my book. Burn them all alive in the shitty cars they are selling.

The “this is America, she should learn English” is invalid because of legal reasons. Technically, nowhere in the Constitution does it declare English as the official language of the United States. Most people don’t know this, and they just assumed this is true, because English has been the popular language.

Metalhead! It's a robot ninja turtle that's cropped up in several permutations of the comics and shows over the years.

You're right. Do you have kids? Also, he's not a baby. He's four.

I have a smart, mouthy four-year-old boy, and I do hit him when he does things like push, kick, or hit his little brother, because an eye for an eye. I always ask him, "how do you like that?"

For some reason I don't fancy the chances of the soldiers on the right here...

the Safe House in Milwaukee is hidden behind a false lobby for international exports

I'm going to go with "Gassy."