I just figured since the restaurant was called Tokyo, and the fact that the sign said “Japanese and hibachi,” it would have clued these college girls in on the fact that this wasn’t a Chinese restaurant.
I just figured since the restaurant was called Tokyo, and the fact that the sign said “Japanese and hibachi,” it would have clued these college girls in on the fact that this wasn’t a Chinese restaurant.
Fucking with someone’s Grandma (particularly mine) is grounds for a slow painful death in my book. Burn them all alive in the shitty cars they are selling.
The “this is America, she should learn English” is invalid because of legal reasons. Technically, nowhere in the Constitution does it declare English as the official language of the United States. Most people don’t know this, and they just assumed this is true, because English has been the popular language.
You're right. Do you have kids? Also, he's not a baby. He's four.
I have a smart, mouthy four-year-old boy, and I do hit him when he does things like push, kick, or hit his little brother, because an eye for an eye. I always ask him, "how do you like that?"
I dunno about you guys but I would totally get a "Chuck Norris" edition truck. :D
Now if only the bicyclists obeyed the fucking traffic laws and didn't act like assholes themselves, then maybe I would give a flying fuck about this.