Fragment Cotswolds

My god ALL THOSE PEOPLE are my mother at church. *crawling away*

Homeschooled religious-freak kids don’t get prom.

Yeah, I’d rather not get another one stuck with the cord around its neck breathing in crap and THEN they casually ask about maybe not having a precious vaginal rite of passage. Unzip this one in six months and pop it out like a Care Bear belly pocket. Whatever that toy bear was. Did they have pockets? I think modern

God yes, I want to put these kids on a backboard while someone reads aloud insufferable moral lessons.

I'd like to hug your comment. I resent being told that two years of Latin was a good use of my high school time.

I hope you did throw up on her. She deserved that.

The young man has flair. I see him giving the same impassioned speech in forty years as a corrupt evangelist.

Lol. I think mine are cute.

Also, scientist man: always, an increase in fat? Teen me was on the side of too skinny, yet got little water-ripple stretch marks over the hip joints from a very feminine growth spurt. Hourglass shape is not "fat".

Why do all these homosexuals keep sucking his cock messaging him?

Guitar picks breed in pockets, preferring the cargo variety.

Pic is wrong, it's some vintage young man in a harness

They could not talk or talk forever.

The market is haunted, right? I am disappoint if it is not haunted.

What a treasure. No wonder Kim never smiles.

The hand belongs to the half-materialized ghost in the middle, who's causing the light distortion effect that makes the coppery girl look twice as far away as the others.

We have to look. Absolutely right.

That really does deserve fireworks. ;D
