“...I leisurely stand up, grab my things, and saunter casually off.”
That’s some Tatiana Maslany-level shit right there.
And did anyone else notice the suit Danson wore while being Vicky in a Michael suit was just a little misfit? The sleeves were too long, the shoulders too boxy. Just marvelous ...
Then fucking win in the playoffs?
Albert I love your writing as well. Hope you’re not looking at me like a troll here, but I disagree that I’m missing the point. Part of this could be because I only have 2nd or 3rd hand information, so I’m at least partially talking out of my shiny metal ass.
Because of one more game?
Yeah but Watson just has the natural born ability to read a defense. That’s god-given.
Hey, if there’s one thing you can’t criticize ol Donny for, it’s leading with his head.
You seem like an unhappy person - I hope you’re ok.
The ongoing coverage of The Good Place by the AVClub has ALWAYS LOOKED LIKE THIS. I’ve been following the show, and reading reviews on this site for all 3 seasons. If you don’t like the format, then go away - it hasn’t changed, it’s not new. You’re just grumpy. For fucks sake!
It’s doesn’t seem like you’ve moved on, dude.
Thanks Mrs. Cousins.
If you use Burger King’s app, you can get a cheeseburger for just $.59. Even better, this promotion runs through Sunday, so you can take advantage of it this weekend as well. The deal can only be redeemed once per app.
I know what you said are technically names and words, but just a heads up, none of it makes sense.
You are right. I watched all five episodes this year. It’s called Hard Knocks.
I prefer pecs, actually.
I mean, we would all kiss titties though...
Well buddy if it ever does happen, I know some people that can help you!
“Fuck yeah it does!”