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Only in the US

Why not share the main course?... oh yup I remember now you guys for some crfazy reason use the french word "starter" for "main"

Not saying "I promise ...." is a good one. Adults almost never use this word to other adults, so why do they use it so often with children?

There weren't so many houses around back then though which made the task a bit less onerous

Yep same here. I remember my Piano teacher would get tetchy when she asked me to play something and I would sigh, but for me it was an unconscious preparation to play just like as sitting up and getting my arms in position

Yeah, but a €5 bottle of wine in Barcelona costs £15 ($18) in the UK so it's not at all surprising you can get decent wine for that price.

nice typo

I'm gonna love washing up that blender!

An appropriate punishment for the teacher would be to have to teach in striped pyjamas for a week.

"Carefully think things through before agreeing to do things." I've carefully considered this article and the more I read it the more it becomes just a load of idiotic psychobabble. So I'll pass on this one.

In Britain the smallest note is worth about $7, whereas in the USA the largest coin is worth about 20p. If we dump our loose change either in a drawer or as tips then we'd all go broke in a couple of weeks.

Good luck to your quitting parenthood!

Er ... I bet he has a job, but has at least one out of seven days a week off. Idiot

Why on earth is the picture of a German Pfennig which has not been legal currency for over 10 years?

Kinda falls down with alcohol though.... Is this pint worth 2.5 units of alcohol, yeah.

Very cool. Like a filter but because you compress the coffee grinds it brews very strong. My only concern is that with a small cup, a metal brew unit and a 6-8 minute wait is the coffee still hot?

The leg warmer one is fantastic. I've often had the problem in spring/autumn and summer early mornings that if I wear a coat then my body gets too hot and sweaty, but if I wear just a shirt then my arms freeze. I had even thought of hacking the sleeves off a long T-shirt but this would be much better.

the biggest problem is "do lunch" is (no longer-) trendy speak for "have lunch", making it seem like they're telling me to wait until 1pm, then take fear out of a fridge, put it on a plate and eat it. .... In fact I bet there has already been a life hacker article suggesting just this.

Or Prime Minister?