Lube is absolutely essential for a great hand job. The penis doesn’t self-lubricate, you need to use lube to ensure that things go smoothly.
Lube is absolutely essential for a great hand job. The penis doesn’t self-lubricate, you need to use lube to ensure that things go smoothly.
“They’re an activity that many people (especially heterosexual people) haven’t done since they were teenagers.”
Just make sure there aren’t any people in your life that don’t eat meat (or keep them in mind when you’re cooking.) There’s nothing worse as a vegan or vegetarian than finding out that safe-looking mushroom/vegetable/rice dish was made with meat juice.
Yeah, MmmCandyCorn is right... being chemically “close” doesn’t mean much. Hydrogen peroxide and water differ by only one atom, but react very differently if almost every way. Whether something is “good” or “bad” for you depends on a lot of things, so chemical formula alone isn’t a good indicator.
I remember one time, I had planned a long vacation, and my boss wanted to know why I was taking so much time off. He pointed out that I was single and didn’t have kids, I should want to be at work. I quit a few weeks after I got back from my vacation.
“I’m not sure why chicks...”
Aaaand I’ve read enough.
If I read this list, I’d rule the author out as a potential roommate.
“You’re going for the laughter,” says Dr. Orma
As a shy person, I can tell you, no matter what you say, if you talk too much, you’ll just make me very umconfortable.
Getting things in common is a very good start, so just mentioning something that you’re both looking at, or if he/she is using somethig related to something you know (like a pin or a shirt), then that…
If you have a great pair of bookshelf speakers or even computer speakers, but wish you could stream music from a…
Wait - you put butter in your coffee?
Looking at this photo is like stepping back to a time when things like rotary phones and hefty paper dictionaries…
Ehh, I try for good variable names/self documenting code instead 'cause nobody ever maintains comments. I've also yelled at my students for bad formatting 'cause no indents in C++ makes their stuff painful to read.
I'm not in US, but I usually use few days more then I should. I often work overtime so it's not a big deal for my boss. I get the job done so I get vacation. 20 days is nowhere near enough! I live away from my family part of my vacation days I spend on visiting them.
How about just, you know, waiting? Looking around and experiencing the world you inhabit? Not every single second of the day needs to be crammed full of stimulus and productivity.
This is really interesting, and I never knew this. I'd also mention that fennel is DELICIOUS, and any recipe that contains fennel and/or fennel seeds will probably be awesome. It seems to be the common denominator in many of my favorite recipes, including Salmon and fennel with pernod and Fennel crusted pork chops…
Every day, I accomplish nearly everything on my to-do list. I have created systems, outsourced work, and dedicated…
Is there one for windows?