
I thought that I'd fluked my way into the job and that my colleagues thought I know a lot more than I actually did. I was way off the mark. They knew I was straight out an MSc and didn't know it all but I was one of the team and were confident I'd fill in the gaps quickly. Had I known this from the start I'd have

But check which finger says "enagaged" to the locals; it's not universal.

These days nearly everyone carries a small backpack, so it doesn't shout tourist, and if you're travelling with a large backpack you'll be dropping it at the Ho(s)tel as soon as you get to the new place. Just don't keep anything you can't live without in the backpack.

When visiting a new city always know (and have booked) where you'll be staying the first night before you get there, even if you're worried you're paying over the odds or you're unsure about which part of town to stay in. Searching for that Ideal Room/Hostel is so much easier when you're not lugging a

All good advice. Another I try to follow as much as possible is not to cover material right up to the limit of my knowledge (in the relevant topic of course). This means that the material I do cover, I can talk about with confidence and follow up questions will most likely in things I have at least previously thought

If I follow your command then I will die of starvation.

I tried this recently but was a total failure. The viscosity of the paint simply lifts the foil of the base of the tray, eventually spitting resulting in strips of aluminium in the paint

It's grammatically incorrect jargon, once you know what it means then you read it correctly without thinking about it. The problem could be simply solved by writing "salt as appropriate" instead.

It doesn't mean "Salt then taste" but "Salt according to your taste". You probably have some idea of how much salt you want to go in there with out actually tasting it.

"usually we think of helping friends move as the worst possible way to spend a weekend morning or afternoon"

No. No. No. If you haggle the vendor will never end up giving you a good deal, but just give you the feeling you've got a good deal (and if they do suddenly drop the price you might find an inferior copy has been sleighted in).

Keep spending in check by thinking "Will I still want this in 6 months time" If the answer's no or maybe then don't buy it.

You don't get it do you. If you're a US-American travelling abroad and are an uneducated oaf then you will get treated like one. If you're willing to show an interest in the local culture and people then the locals will warm to you, as ErrorCode680 has found.

In a restaurant 5%+ is common and if you're in a bar or cafe then rounding up +1E will probably be around 5% anyway.


Vegemite and Marmite are really not the same thing, they have a different translucency and consistency, let alone taste differently.

ZDF ( and ARD ( both have very good internet TV (called Mediathek). But you'll probably find it a struggle if you're at a basic level. Deutsche Welle (DW) specialise in german radio broadcasts outside of Germany (a bit like the British World Service and I forget the

You forgot the Procrastinator type which is a type of hybrid of these two: He/she Loves making plans but when it's time to do something scheduled in a plan he/she spontaneously decides not to do it.

"Unfortunately, the only real trick to preparing for these types of interviews is preparation and the know-how to do your job."

As with most Lifehacker interview advice this varies across sectors and type of vacancy. If the job advert is for one specific position then the company will be looking to fill that position and will chose the best candidate. A follow up could be considered as a waste of a manager's time and might push you down the