Eriq Jaffe

See also, gulags, pogroms, invading neighboring countries.

Colin Baker is easily the biggest TV-vs-BF contrast of them all. I hated him on TV, and I absolutely love him in Big Finish. It’s crazy to think about how good his TV run could have been.

Can confirm: Big Finish is fucking brilliant! I’ve been buying the range pretty much since Day 1, well before the show came back - and the work they’ve done is all top-shelf. Redeem Seven? Done. Flesh out Six’s character? Done! Give Nyssa some good stories? Done, and done. Hell, they even had Adric come back and make

Any other team with a stacked farm system, it would be a smart choice for Machado to sign with them. Being the White Sox, they’re just a fourth place team. This exactly encapsulates what being a White Sox fan is like.

Agreed! This is one of my favorite holiday specials (along with the often overlooked Rankin-Bass 'Twas the Night Before Christmas)! 

This is all making me feel terrible for Baines, a very good player I would generally have wanted on my team and who never asked to be the poster boy for HoF vote fuckups.


I hope she’s got a marker handy

Angry Jigglypuff holding a microphone? Oh, hell yes.

Harry Potter and the Basket of Deplorables?

Colin Baker got saddled with some shitty scripts and a non-existent budget, but I challenge anyone to listen to his better Big Finish audio plays (“The Holy Terror”, “The Marian Conspiracy”, “The One Doctor”, “Jubilee”, “Davros”) and still come away with the opinion that he’s anything less than great. “The One Doctor”

But they have goldfish inside them. GOLDFISH. 

They only had to wait 13 more years to see how that would be a bad idea.

I was hoping this headline meant that Frobisher the shapeshifting penguin was going to have an adventure with Jodie Whittaker’s doctor (this is cool too though)

One does not simply Force project into Mustafar.

I heard her dad was The Biggest Loser.

She’ll do alright in prison.  She’s a Survivor.

As the article mentions, check-in with the library before trying to donate. They might not actually want your used stuff.

I dunno, they guy has a point. Free weight areas at the gym are notoriously the territory of strict Buddhist practitioners who have spent years meditating to eliminate the Anatta, or conception of self contained in the ego.