Eriq Jaffe
Now playing

The last 15 seconds of “Fire On High” by Electric Light Orchestra (or on a bad night, the first 15 seconds)

Nicely done - I have been regretting not having the time to do exactly that little bit of photoshop :)

And trim those sideburns, Mattingly!

Even the tagline fits perfectly. 

Or the Abominable Snowman

Agreed 100% - if Beaky was on the list, he’d be somehwere in the 8-14 range, easy.

it does somehow lend itself to a crossover...

And Tapoohine ends up being a surprise smash hit.

What about taking loads of heroin and ecstasy, then hallucinating Winnie-the-Pooh?

Take your damned star.

This guy puts the douche in fiduciary. 

Theyre just giving you time to reconsider a decision youre likely to regret anyway.

My God that’s such an insanely stupid idea.

Replace the mint with tapatio in the winter to feel warmer

this made me laugh out loud in the middle of a boring meeting. +1

In the end, we all have to ask ourselves if a future of mild convenience outweighs the cost of troubling surveillance mishaps like this.

Alex Linuson

Peppermint Geddy