Eriq Jaffe

Any ethical breeder will also include a clause requiring the dog be returned to them rather than surrendered or rehomed. Backyard breeders, however...

If you bought from a backyard breeder or a pet store and are now wanting to return your pet like something you got during Prime Day, you’re the reason shelters are full

It kinda felt like hell at times from the surface.

This is being reported incorrectly. Bad journalism. It’s not “Covid-free” flights to Europe.

Not far enough if they are armed. And quite a few of these idiots are. Heavily.

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Glad to see Bandwidth Theatre made it over to YouTube.

Needs more Mike Meyers

Oddly enough he sold it back to gamestop for $13 in store credit.

You really need to keep your snacks in pest proof containers. There are a surprising number of mice and roaches living in most office buildings.

This senior gentlemen joined our family two years ago and he’s been the best boi I could ever ask for

My baby came from a rehoming situation. Th bestest girl.

One from Arkansas and the other Georgia was a street dog until caught. Little one has an emotional support human/anxiety issues and the big one can’t handle most other dogs, but we’re working on it and they’re super happy. They’re also absurdly robust mutts, the bigger one was bouncing around a day after stomach

It’s Benny! He wants ice cream.

Time to flood the comments with rescue pet pics! Here’re my rescue pups:

The worst part of the White Sox mediocrity is that not enough people know about Yolmer Sanchez. On a good team, that guy would be a national hero of a goofball.

Things that are good within the limits of natural variability and bad, very bad, beyond the upper limit:

arrr ‘tis true, the sight of gold drives many a Pirate mad

Nate Jones has never been any good. I’m going againt my history and say that I don’t care what the numbers say, any time I saw him pitch, every hitter he faced hit the ball hard.

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This is the only Kuiper belt I am aware of-

The Phantom Menace is probably about as close as any movie ever got to what George Lucas’s vision of what Star Wars was supposed to be. If you read the earliest drafts of his screenplay for the movie we now call A New Hope, the tone is much closer to TPM — a clear pastiche of Alex Raymond’s Flash Gordon comic strips

so. many. towels.