Thiazin Red

Must be part of his plan to win over Brienne. That and doing those commercials to show her that he cleans up good.

That sounds like exactly the opposite of what I want from a BioWare game. I want a single player story with interesting supporting characters, and a strong narrative, not a "live service".

The attempts to make the characters look older were comically bad. Edward has adult children but still looks like someone in their 20s with a pillow stuffed down his shirt. Elizabeth and Margaret still looked just like they did in the first episodes.

Are they immediately behind you so that the door would close in their face if you let it go? Yes, hold it. No, too far don't.

Its so weird. Don't stand there staring at me with an expectant look on your face when I'm still 30 feet away. I will definitely use another door, because thats weird.

And here I assumed the question they asked potential participants was "Are you an easily impressed moron?".

Too bad that Doctor Who has already had a story called Inferno.

Apart from everything else, why the fuck has that gross crusty "wet look" come back into style?

The NY City ballet had a blown up photo on the floor of the lobby that looked just like the people eye from that episode. It was the only thing I could think of whenever I went.

I saw Eraserhead years ago and I still have recurring nightmares about it. In the dreams I go to the doctor for some minor issue, pass out, and when I wake up the doctor tells me I was pregnant and hands me an Eraserhead baby.

I'm surprised how invested I've become in Betty and Jughead.

Plus their moms are identical twins. I feel bad for that poor man.

On Pretty Little Liars Jason will probably never date again because he did unknowing incest twice. Besides A, he got with Spencer who is also his sister.

Whenever I watch The Thing I somehow manage to forget that that scene is coming, which is good because it surprises me every time.

I have two and the differences are interesting. One watches TV pretty frequently, and the other one completely ignores it. Occasionally, the one who watches TV gets scared by something on it. Trollhunter was on, and she was watching the scene in the dark forest really intently, and when the troll popped out she ran.

Basketball is a peaceful planet!

There are days I barely tolerate my cats, so yeah kids sound unbelievably terrible to me.

You could replace the prequels with Clone Wars, then they would grow up thinking Anekin was a competent general instead of a bratty teen, Padme was an active character who wasn't reduced to a uterus, Boba Fett and Maul were more than just nice looking costumes.

I just called them Not-Jedi and Not-Jedi's Boyfriend. I honestly could not recall any of the character's names other than Jyn after seeing it.

Its really tragic because a few times he was really close to where the ruins are.