Thiazin Red

This episode is making me consider the Audrey is still in a coma theory, with the way she seems unable to leave the house.

That song was really terrible.

Even in the original outline of the series that he pitched before it was written, Jon was going to get with a relative, except it was going to be Arya.

Yeah, Jon has never been smart.

Its a shame that hes so charming in everything else, but stuck having to be such a douche as Kirk.

It took me for damn ever to get an everybody lives ending in Until Dawn. I messed up the button pressing during the save Jess section so many times before I finally got them all.

I didn't even mind all of the "collect x number of things" quests because it gave me more time to hear my team talk among themselves.

My stupid cat killed Sam in my first play through. I was at the very last hold the controller still section, and he decided to come up and rub his dumb face all over my hands just then.

When he said he would call for her at the bar, I assumed she was there working as an escort.

All I want to know is, when they are in the spirit world, do Korra and Asami have tea with Uncle Iroh?

Makes sense, especially if the theory about him being the product of Dark Coop raping an unconscious Audrey is right.

My favorite thing about the episode were Bobby's reactions. Lynch really does have a talent for getting non verbal performances out of actors. Ashbrook sells all of them.

Dougie did say "damn good" once with normal Cooper inflections, and I thought he might snap out of it then.

Women were a part of the harvest in the middle ages, it wasn't just men working.

The Prestige is my personal favorite, and one of a very few movies that I think improves on the source material. I liked the book a lot, but the changes made for the movie are for the better for me at least.

Thats what makes me want to try it too. I'm never ever going to use up an entire liter bottle of fish sauce, so I'm just not going to make something where fish sauce is a necessary component. But if I can just get the amount I need for one dish, that would be great.

Sansa could also tell everyone that he murdered Lysa.

Didn't his mom and Cher's dad already get divorced? I seem to remember that they did, but he kept up a relationship with the ex step-dad. Or did I imagine that?

Yes, no way that marriage worked out.

They also gave some of Ron's best material to Hermione in the movies.