Thiazin Red

I was wondering about Kanan and Hera's relationship. It seemed like there was something romantic in the early episodes and then the writers just kind of dropped it.

Hes such a "Nice Guy".

He was good in Spartacus.

I wish she were the main character instead of Ezra. Competent dedicated leader with a unique backstory is so much more interesting that bratty teen in a second class chosen one story.

I had a really bad sinus infection once and couldn't taste anything for about two weeks, it was really depressing so I feel you Kai.

I honestly wonder how many times per manuscript his editor has to cross out Dan Brown in the text and write in Robert Langdon. I bet its a lot.

He also drives pretty mid level cars and has shit taste in wine.

I can't stand those movies at all, and I blame Nigel Bruce for the prevalence of fat idiot Watsons.

Thats pretty much a thing every time a movie or show features a mother and teen aged daughter. Its way more noteworthy when the actress playing the mother is actually old enough to play the character.

He died a crazy number of times, he just comes back because he has Elena's uncle/father's ring.

I love the turkey sandwich. I would eat it all the time if there was one closer to work.

But, this is how trailers have always been its not a new thing at all. This idea that the audience should know nothing about the movie going in is new.

Leaving the name of the monster for other people to find is a real dick move from the previous victim.

At least in the newest movies there are more than three women in the entire galaxy, so thats something I guess.

Its like that person we all knew in high school who could only like something if it wasn't popular. If a thing they liked became popular, they would immediately start going on about how terrible it was and how the people who made it are all sellouts.

Is that in Sweet Home Alabama? That movie is the worst. I imagine that after a few days Witherspoon's character probably came to her senses, remembered why she left the shithole town, and made a flurry of phone calls trying to put her life back together.

I would bet anything that the couple who do get married in that move didn't last two years. She was already not thrilled about having to throw away her entire life to follow him around, and he was a huge asshole.

One thing that neither article mentions is that the "bad" woman is usually much more independent and less traditionally feminine than the "good" woman. She usually has a career that she is successful in and values. She probably ins't especially maternal. She is probably intelligent and not willing to play dumb, or be

You could check out the Tales of the Otori series, set in feudal Japan.

Oh Sigma, I apologize in advance or all the I'm sure very horrible ways I'll get you killed.