Thiazin Red

I got my copy of Zero Time Dilemma so I'm all set for escape the room puzzles, alternate timelines, digressions into weird topics, and the violentest choose your own adventure stories.

I don't think its new, if you look at the Bible there are multiple stories that could be considered end of the world fiction. Every religion I've heard of has an end of the world story, or more than one.

Every time that song comes on, it gives me the urge to buy a car, drive to the headquaters of Kars for Kids, and set that car on fire in the parking lot just so no one can ever donate it to them. I imagine myself also flipping off the obnoxious children in the ad while I do this.

Lyanna's children should still be behind any of Ned or Benjan's.

I was just thinking the other day what a shame it was that the ladies Mormont didn't exist on the show.

Have they ever shown him being anything like decent? Hes a jerk to Bob, and he is pretty awful with his kids.

Was the horse really that tiny? If the woman riding him is average height, then that horse was really small for a steeplechaser.

Nice to see I'm not the only person who likes Harrow County. If I were voting I would have to go with Bitch Planet though.

The Av club comments are the best place for movie recommendations. I don't think I would have heard of Perfect Blue otherwise.

Her mom was also pretty horrible to her all on her own.

Well over 90% of the calls I got on my home phone in grad school were either for a preacher who had the number before me, or the deadbeat who had the number before him.

I'm honestly mystified by people who can't replace buttons. Its so self explanatory. You've got lots of other buttons to look at as an example. How can anyone not just look at them and figure it out?

I will say one thing for my shitty school district, everyone had to take shop and home ec.

Well anyone living in a world with prophecies should know that exact wording is crucial, so its on him really. Things that make prophecies are usually assholes who enjoy fucking with people, you should expect ironic twists.

Being concerned about foot size is totally a thing.

Other women also know how annoying ill fitting strapless clothing is, how uncomfortable something like that feels, or how hard it is to find things that fit the chest area properly.

Panache do make some good bras.

Anyone without big boobs will never understand how life changing a really well fitting bra is.

Even if she had told the truth, her mother is pretty much a complete monster who would have screwed her up anyway.

I was sad that Dale and Skylar didn't get as much screen time later in the series. I hope those crazy kids and their private army worked out.