Thiazin Red

Well it does take place in Australia. If Australian movies have taught me anything, its that Australia is a depraved hellscape constantly seconds away from total breakdown.

Yeah, that could be a really cool movie. From what I've read of them he was basically Damien, smiting other kids for petty stuff or making bird golems.

The one closest to me while I was in high school had a sword shop too.

My problem with it is that if embryos are Plan B, then all the scouts and crew really should have been women. They're literally putting all of their eggs in one basket.

Why does Fox act like they hate the show and want to kill it?

Yes, a lot.

Pretty much all the organizations in Dragon Age are terrible but the Templars must be the worst.

I was so glad at the end of Trespasser to see that they worked their issues out and were still together. I was happy for Sera and Dagna too. Those two would create adorable mayhem together.

And Alana's wardrobe got a huge upgrade.

Well Eowyn is an actual character, you could replace Arwen with a literal trophy and the story wouldn't change.

So, the Cabot Cove of the UK?

In the case of a woman with an unintended pregnancy its more like she didn't decide to pick the quadriplegic up, she turned around and one had climbed on her back.

I don't think it matters with regards to whether abortion should be legal. We don't force people to use their bodies to keep other people alive. We don't force people to donate blood or tissue, we don't take organs from corpses without their permission in life. If an already born child is dying we can't force their

Watching that show makes the "The Third World: Yorkshire" joke in Meaning of Life make more sense to me.

It is, quite poisonous. Don't drink rubbing alcohol.

I loved that it was the two teenagers from War of the Coprophages as adults still hanging out getting high in busted ways.

I just couldn't get through the first Dying Earth one. It read like a parody of terrible fantasy writing to me.

Theres also the fact that an actor doesn't necessarily have a ton of choices. I don't get this idea some people seem to have that actors are always getting high quality and interesting projects offered to them, but choosing to turn those down and instead make bad things.

Yeah, we're supposed to root for the girl to get together with a guy who will hand his passed out girlfriend over to be raped by some stranger on the street.

I wonder if the name is meant to be a reference to Angel eyes in Good, Bad and the Ugly.