Thiazin Red

I would like to read an interview that describes where the rest of the stories were supposed to go.

I suppose the central problem of the show for me (apart from the terrible writing, characters appearing to exist in different shows, the go nowhere stories, generally being hot garbage, entertaining hot garbage though) is that to my eyes Kiira is obviously better, like no contest better than Claire.

Its totally fine to ignore it and use milk instead. Using hot water for hot chocolate is just disgusting.

I think the girls were meant to be imported, so I don't think they would be missing from the local community. But yeah, Daphne especially becomes totally unlikable after this.

There is a bit of gore in the kitchen scene with the Gremlins being blended and blown up.

I'd also like to see Andre come out ahead, whatever that entails, and for Pete to be crushed.

They've shown that there are other RD costumes out there, so its possible that characters could have gotten one and committed a murder without being THE RD.

Actually, I don't think any of the main female characters could be the other Red Devil. They've all been together when the two Devils have been other places.

The rent boy seems like a decent guy. So thats one.

The pediatricians' office I went to as a kid was staffed by Drs Micheal Jordan, Bruce Lee and Micheal Shumacher, and were always having their sign stolen.

She was there with the rest of the Chanels when Gigi was talking to Boone and the other Red Devil, so it shouldn't be her. I say shouldn't because I don't believe that the writers give a shit about making sure the timing works.

If you're riding for any length of time you want a couple layers over your legs.

I agree with the review about the show not fully committing to either tone, and just wildly alternates between over the top ridiculous trash and trying to be serious.

Yeah, you see a bit more in the last couple episodes, but there isn't much.

I thought Breslin was good in Maggie, so I don't think shes just bad overall.

I don't think it can be any of the Chanels. We see them all together while Gigi is talking to Boone and the other killer. They've all been together other times when the killers are somewhere else.

At some point someone decided that what the show needed was to let the audience know that Chewbaca's dad had a virtual reality masturbation device. Its completely mind boggling.

After having seen the whole thing my list of characters who appear to be decent people:

Which explains why it doesn't end so much as just stop. None of the plots are really resolved except for Kiira's.

Its the boobs. For a ballet dancer Hay has massive boobs.