Thiazin Red

Thats a good description. Its total ridiculous trash, but very watchable ridiculous trash.

I did actually laugh out loud a few times this episode. First with Chanel 5's "clue". At the night of 1000 compliments bit. And at the spelling of the autograph Boone gave the guy at the gym.

Texting is the number one reason why I'm glad I'm not dating. I hate texting, and from how people describe it current dating is 90% texting.

I've got some sympathy for her. If Mr. Bennet dies, she and her children are out on the street with nothing. The only way to make certain that they'll have a place to go is to marry one of the daughters well. Things like getting new dresses, keeping up with fashion and gossip are things that improve their chances.

I figured out that my dislike of Pete comes from the fact that everyone else is terrible in over the top cartoonish ways, while Pete is just a normal douche that you could know.

Based on many movies, I've come to the conclusion that after a big potentially civilization ending disaster, everyone gets to pick new names. Thats why people in post apocalypse movies have names like Stacker Pentecost.

That actually totally happened in Germany. At some of his concerts the kids tore the place apart and started fighting with the police.

I agree with that, the actress managed to make the character more sympathetic and much more interesting than the lead.

I thought that was a really clever idea.

Considering the association with Abigail, fishing is probably out too.

That book made me realize that although seeing the Amazon sounded cool in theory, if I actually went there I would hate every single second of it.

I wouldn't be surprised if Will had them run serial killer home invasion drills.

CeCe would have seemed almost too obvious if she had been around more.

Unless Toby was an amazing actor, he was way too dumb to be A. I was kind of hoping Jenna would show up again.

There was also the never mentioned again subplot where Melissa and Jason found out, and had to get Melissa a secret abortion.

Ravenswood was amazing. PLL is terrible in every way, but Ravenswood was some next level terrible.

A basically had godlike omnipotence, so I guess it makes as much sense as her being able to orchestrate this whole thing.

And how did she get to be a qualified teacher in five years? She was out of high school for years, and barely went when she came back. So she made up years of high school, was accepted into a teaching program, graduated from that and got a job in five years.

I was pretty sure there was an evil twin involved for a while, I just thought it would be Allison's.

Speaking of Melissa, the A reveal means Jason dated not one but two sisters.