Thiazin Red

Well, there was the throwaway line about her being good on the stock market.

And put a network of cameras in her and her friends' houses.

Not even women are immune from the Rosewood Creeper syndrome!

Speaking of, did Ezra ever take all the cameras out of the girls' houses?

Hasn't literally every adult male character wound up hitting on high school girls? I wonder if theres something in Rosewood's water. Did that cop who asked out Alison want to date high schoolers before he moved there?

I always assumed they used the names it like old people do. I've seen plenty of old people who refer to each other as Mother or Father.

I think so? But its been a while since I watched it. I seem to remember thinking that Cancer Man really got around.

Wasn't Diana Fowley also Cancer Man's kid? If so wouldn't that mean Mulder did sleep with a sister?

They had despair sex one time that resulted in Scully getting pregnant, then in the second movie they were together.

That has to be the single most depressing movie I've ever seen.

I would watch a Burt Macklin/Janet Snakehole movie.

Or I go to an almost empty theater, and the next person who comes in absolutely has to sit right in front of me.

The first thing the lead image made me think of was Colonel Bradshaw and Melanie from the Thursday Next books.

My personal favorite would probably be a toss up between Wild in the Streets or Class of 1984.

It holds up as an example of the hysterical "Oh my! Kids these days are out of control" sub-genre of movies. See also, Thirteen, Blackboard Jungle, etc.

Liam is a good actor and should be getting better work, but Andy was special.

I'm so glad its coming back soon. I just finished binge watching the series and the possibility of waiting a year for new episodes was terrible.

Yes, thats how trailers have always been, its the obsession with not knowing anything about the plot which is new.

Nice, Id like to get the pattern and try a knitted version.

The article says it took him six years, and finding 800 hours over six years doesn't sound like an unusual amount.