Thiazin Red

Speaking of, I wonder whos watching Will's dag swarm while hes off running around Europe.

Things a woman can do that can result in her being called a slut:
having sex
turning a man down for sex
walking down the street
taking the subway
eating lunch outside
basically any leaving the house
having breasts
wearing sexy clothes
wearing modest clothes
literally doing anything while visibly female

The weirdest one is when the guy starts calling you a slut after you've turned him down.

She must have movie heroine's disease. Women suffering from MHD are terminally ill, but look fresh, healthy, and active until about five minutes before they die.

Gruncle Stan did like the omelette shaped like his own head.

That movie terrified me as a kid. I used to be afraid that one day I would wake up, and would have the uncontrollable desire to migrate and would wind up killing myself like the lemmings. People are animals, and if it could happen to one kind of animal, why not people?

Just the once so far.

Still less weird than when a movie or tv show casts women less than ten year apart as mother and daughter.

Well the scene with the long cape and giant shoe wouldn't look that out of place in a movie with the fire shooting double necked guitar I guess.

Walkabout and Picnic at Hanging Rock are other good ones.

James Franco would play the Donald Pleasance role.

If that doesn't work try Romper Stomper.

Not just catcalling, but say I (or any person) is eating lunch outside alone. Someone comes up to me and starts trying to make advances, and gets really angry when I say no thanks I just want to eat alone. Some people just can not handle the fact that other people might not drop what they're doing and devote their

I still can't believe the travel board gave money to a movie that makes Australia look like a depraved hellscape where stopping for the night leads to a chain of events that ends with being raped by Donald Pleasance.

When strangers try to chat you up and react really angrily to you ignoring, or rejecting, them. That kind of context.

All the reviews I've read make his life sound like a non-stop depressing slog full of misery. If that isn't the case I'll check it out.

I don't know if I want to read it, the reviews I've read make all the trials of Life After Life seem like pointless torture if Teddy winds up like that. Too depressing.

If the movies have taught me anything it is that after the fall of civilization there will be unlimited supplies of the following:

There was all that luggage that the dead people weren't using, so having a few outfits didn't seem that weird.

They're also the only source of information on the witch-pires, unless I'm forgetting something. So we've only got the word of some really nasty people that they're bad. From the actual evidence, helping Ma Salvatore, they might not be the real bad guys here.