Thiazin Red

Maybe the heightened vampire emotions get in the way of her intelligence and agency?

Enzo, in a kind of meta epiphany, realized it was dumb and stopped.

Yeah, I don't know why the characters act like the Gemini coven should have any moral authority. They breed twins and force them to murder each other, these are not good people you should be listening to.

In my french class we watched a terrible educational thriller called La Maree et ses Secrets.

Bresson's Au Hasard Balthazar is perhaps the single most depressing thing ever.

Its brilliant and the amount of gut wrenching tension Melville creates is amazing.

I guess being friends with the Sheriff who is willing to fake a whole lot of "animal attacks" has its benefits.

One of my lab mates is Dominican and watched the show all the time growing up, and was totally shocked to learn that Don Francisco was Jewish.

On my list of great fictional dads, Greg is getting right up there with Keith Mars and Coach Taylor.

I'm still mystified that play, naughty, munch, or other toddler words aren't turn off to everyone. For me, any use of cutesy kiddy words in the context of fucking makes the person saying them 100% unsexy.

Meh, they're kind of a pain in the ass to actually have attached to you.

And Supernatural to some extent.

You just get a feeling that unashamedly woman hating homophobic racists are good people? Good to know that a person's words and actions can be ignored as long as you just imagine that they're good.


The donotlink ones go directly to his blog without providing him with page views.

No it isn't a case of "Oh, both sides are just awful and the answer is in the middle". It just isn't.

Was Scalzi president of the SFWA when Day was kicked out? That might explain why Redshirts is such a huge bugbear for them.

Or an inter racial couple being aided in their escape from their respective governments by a cyclops Samuel Delany. That would be okay too.

Given their stated beliefs, yes, yes it is too much. They do condone violent acts, read what they say.

Not you specifically, but I've seen people saying things like "Oh well they were always worthless because Redshirts won".