Thiazin Red

Does it beat calling yourself "The Edge" in the douche off? I feel like The Edge always gets off too lightly in the discussion on douchy names.

See, the problem is that there aren't two sides who can meet in the middle and compromise in this situation. There just aren't. What kind of compromise do you offer to someone who thinks acid attacks on schoolgirls are a good thing? Or people who think women shouldn't be allowed to vote? Or people who don't think

I really, really hope Butcher has no idea that these people were pushing for him. It would make me sad if he knowingly got involved with them.

With Ringworld it was more the "women as something other than walking sex hole, lol wut" that permeated the whole thing.

As an extra bonus he lost to a woman writing about a woman.

I found it better than okay, but everyone feels differently. It just seems odd to me that the go to examples for horrible things the prove the Hugos are worthless are Redshirts and a short story that didn't even win.

You should read some of the things they say. They pretty much are cartoon villains, except real. Frankly, I would rather Cobra Commander was a real person than Vox Day.

Hasn't it been all Game of Thrones the past few years? Who gets nominated, but I don't think its won in a while.

I don't get it, I don't think its his best work, but its not a bad book. I can't understand why it gets trotted out as an example of something terrible that was nominated.

They also switched narrators and the new one pronounces everything wrong. It took a lot of getting used to.

Well the Sad Puppies don't like the fact that sometimes women or non-white people win. So they wanted to nominate a bunch of people they agree with and prevent anyone else from being nominated.

Yeah, I liked Anciallry Sword just fine, but I don't think it was the best sci fi novel I've read this year.

I love Connie Willis. If I ever met her I would turn into the Chris Farley interviewer character.

I really need to bump the sequel to 100,000 Kingdoms in my reading list.

I think Sword suffers a little for being a middle book, the stuff its setting up isn't going to be fully paid off until the next one. And Sevardin gets sidelined a bit.

Speaking of, would being animated prevent Korra from being nominated? Frankly, the Korra finale was my favorite short for sci fi/fantasy this year.

Yes, both sides are a problem. Both sides are saying that certain races aren't fully human.Liberal are saying in all seriousness that showrunners should be killed for featuring heterosexuals. Liberal writers think we should do away with male suffrage.

Well, it also didn't win a Hugo.

Man, I tried Niven during my attempt at reading sci fi classics. So, so much sexism.