Thiazin Red

Well so far I haven't heard an oscar voter say that black people aren't human, women shouldn't vote, rape should be legal, genital mutilation is good for women, or that the creators of Legend of Korra should be killed because Korra was bisexual.

A friend of mine told us about a vacation he took to South America, and he mentioned going through one of those towns where they send all losing team championship t shirts. I imagine it must be what slipping into a parallel dimension must be like.

When I was in school the cut rate university insurance plan forced me to switch to the absolute cheapest pills available. I went from normal to a complete depressed, crying for hours over nothing, borderline suicidal mess. It took months to convince the doctor that the pills were having bad side effects, and to let me

When I was deciding between the two kinds, it partly came down to periods. From everything I'd read the copper was much more likely to make your periods worse, and the Mirena was more much more likely to make them lighter or gone altogether. The possibility of never having to have a period again won out.

No, some women really can't use them for health reasons. There are very common genetic mutations which make hormonal contraceptives dangerous. If women have any kind of blood or circulatory system issues, hormonal contraception can be risky. Other women can have severe mood changes when using circulating hormonal

I've got a genetic disorder which mean I shouldn't use pills, rings or patches, but I can still have the hormonal IUD. The hormones are localized so its safe to use.

There are also IUDs, which are totally fine for people who can't use other hormonal methods, last for years, and require no actions once its in.

For the longest time I was sure that couldn't be someone's real head.

So basically, if one member has exaggerated, or very distinctive, features the composite will end up looking most like that person?

If I've learned nothing else from post apocalyptic movies, its that humanity will never run out of haircare products or razors.

UPS in Manhattan are the worst. First, they just flat out lie about trying to deliver things. Then if you ask for them to hold it at one of their UPS stores, the people staffing the store might decide to hold your package for ransom. All their locations are filthy. I have yet to ever have a positive experience with

Plus almost every magical plot has her in the center.

The shapes that they've drawn on the women in the picture also don't look like the work of people with a familiarity with actual human breasts.

I was listening to the audio version of Mort on the way to work, and when i got the joke about his name I had to stop walking and laugh for a solid two or three minutes. I'm pretty sure people thought I was crazy.

Or they could just assume that a woman would be wearing a bra, thats an option.

Its good that you don't think that, but I've seen so many guys say "I've never seen it" and then go on to firmly refuse to believe the women who say that it does. So, my response was probably harsher that it should have been.

Are you a man? If so, I can tell you why you don't see it. Men who catcall do it to women who are walking alone. It happens all the time when I walk alone, it happens never when I'm walking with a man.

I feel the exact opposite about High Tension. As the movie was going along I started thinking "No, they aren't really going to use that stupid piece of shit twist are they?"

I'm just pleased that a few other people know that Resolution exists.

I would totally watch an awards ceremony hosted by Caesar Flickerman.