Thiazin Red

My first suggestion is to cut out the ridiculous random tributes.

I know people who have pretty different natural hair colors on their heads and in their beards. So it doesn't seem that strange that one could go grey before the other.

I would put Appa's Lost Days on the list of really hard to watch episodes of a cartoon show.

I suppose Frankenstein would have turned out just fine if he hadn't been such a dick to his monster.

I think its the fact that while other people on the show do bad things, the stuff they do tends to be over the top crazy stuff. But Pete is a dick in a boring realistic way, you could see knowing someone just like him in real life.

I generally don't think babies are cute, but man was that an ugly baby.

I saw the movie after loving the show, and it was jarring how different Coach was. Show Coach would have been disgusted with Movie Coach.

I bet she calculated the exact amount of time it would take for the grief to lessen, and has a calendar with a date picked out to turn it back on.

Thats why I would find it entertaining. I would find it hilarious if after the (to me) endless boring Damon and Elena stuff, Damon realizes he likes Bonnie.

Apart from the killing someone thing, is there really a downside to Taylor triggering the curse? He learned how to control his transformations, and before Klaus showed up was more stable as a werewolf than he was a human. Just have him kill Matt, and get it over with.

True, I think it would be the case that anyone who had sex with a vampire under compulsion would be a rape victim.

I do wonder what happened to the Elena that was around during the Civil war. I guess she just lived out a normal life like that poor EMT before he got killed. Did Katherine coming to town somehow change that version's life so she never came to Mystic Falls? Or was Stefan supposed to leave and meet her somewhere else,

Poor Matt has been compelled so many times his brain probably looks like someone with advanced CJD. So I can forgive his occasional bad ideas.

No one remembers poor news woman Andy who was also his rape victim and blood bag too.

I bet its for hair reasons. All that fast running would leave your hair really messed up.

Less statutory and more just plain rape. Its amazing how everyone seemingly agrees to never bring up how Damon raped Caroline (and the newscaster).

Now I kind of want them to hook up. I would find that entertaining.

I do think its a shame that Melville movies don't seem to be as well know as they should be.

Just look at him.

The bad guy and visiting noble did have names, I just don't remember them.