Thiazin Red

In my game of Crusader Kings I've been trying to selectively breed smarter descendants. I'm willing to sacrifice the prestige of having a wife from a powerful family if it means my sons will be married to geniuses.

The bad guy and the visiting noble talk about distributing supplies in Frozen. Kristoff and the shopkeeper talk about carrots, too. Not sure about Bridesmaids.

The weirder thing is that it still passed the gender reversed version.

Many times in the book there are needlessly detailed descriptions of everyday things. Multiple sentences to describe pulling the car out of the garage, mundane things like that. At the same time, descriptions of characters might be a single mention of hair color and style.

It would be great if Kai became the sarcastic semi-evil voice of reason on the show.

Plenty of middle aged women liked Twilight. I went to a Christmas party for my boyfriend's law firm, and got stuck between two women who talked about how much they loved Twilight.

I also don't think Bella hates other women as much as Ana does.

See now I feel like I've got an upvote I didn't earn. Chedward is the name Jenny Trout uses in her 50 Shades recaps (which are very funny), so I can't claim to have invented it.

I'd love to do a study on what percentage of things said on AV club threads are Simpson's quotes.

I am so looking forward to the Rifftrax for this piece of shit. If they don't make one I'm going to be very disappointed with them.

How do Transformers movies keep getting made? Why does Two and a Half Men exist?

I think the only one I ever read of those was the one where the twins decide to mess with a new girl, and invent a third sister.

At least Bella was sure about the vampire thing, and wanted to be a vampire. Bella was also the one pushing for sex and to be turned into a vampire. Ana spends a lot of the time thinking about how much she isn't into BDSM, but feels like she has to to keep Chedward.

You know having seen the Twilight movies (thanks Rifftrax), and read the Jenny Trout recaps of 50, Ana is amazingly more annoying than Bella.

I wonder if the movie keeps the really out of place Britishisms and total lack of knowledge regarding American slang? Will everyone still be obsessed with tea?

The period thing was in the next one. I decided I was done with that series a little while after that.

Uh, that one. I destroyed your life, lied to you for an extended period of time, and constructed a fake identity to stalk you. Of course they end up together.

Still nothing tops the rape is awesome and women love rape number in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.

I seem to remember the guy not really being any better though. He does lots of leading on romantic stuff with Robert's character and then acts all shocked that she thought he was interested.

I seem to remember one of the little Bowsers calling Peach mom in Super Mario Sunshine,