Thiazin Red

It isn't just Fitz either. Literally every single adult on that show tries to get with high schoolers. They introduce a woman to be the cook at the coffee shop (who looks to be in her mid 30s) and within two episodes shes hitting on the high school girl who works there part time.

If you can do it, perfect behavior for a decade will mean that by the time you're an upperclassman in high school, no teacher or admin will care what you do or where you go.

Rubies is my favorite of the three, but you're right the different pieces really show Balanchine's versatility. I think Prodigal Son might be my overall favorite of his, but I haven't seen one I've disliked.

It does not.

I'm playing 4 right now, stupid college made me miss a ton of good PS2 games. This looks great.

Its really interesting when they're doing a bunch of Balanchine pieces, and you can see the range of styles he used. You've got stuff like Agon or Four Temperments, or stuff that is in the style of older classical choreographers.

A surprising amount of dong as well. I would have thought that guys would wear some kind of undergarment for performances, but apparently not.

Me too. I've got season tickets to City and before the show starts they have the previews for this on a repeating loop on the hallway tvs.

Bringing Back Balanchine shows City Ballet taking a trip to Russia, and putting on a series of performances. Its pretty drama free, and shows the rehearsals, the stress of one of the women's first big role, the differences in the attitudes of the American and Russian schools. There is also plenty of performance

I would prefer it if they never got together. Wouldn't it be revolutionary for a show to have a male and female lead who work together, and not do the boring, done to death "Will they or won't they" crap?

The Oscars she hosted were so painfully awkwardly unfunny. I felt bad for the people involved with it.

I still can't believe that Wake in Fright was partially government funded, since it makes Australia look like a depraved hellscape where people are routinely raped by Donald Pleasance.

I felt the same way about the kid. I thought it was pretty brave of the filmmaker to have to kid be so horrible for most of the movie.