It’s weird that Steve Bannon, or as I call him “Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s alcoholic older brother” would criticize the appearance of others.
It’s weird that Steve Bannon, or as I call him “Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s alcoholic older brother” would criticize the appearance of others.
I hate when I hear someone be all “Pelosi said we have to pass the bill in order to find out what’s in it” because I just don’t have the time look up the facts of every little thing that gets twisted by stupid political hacks.
Also, Obamacare was “rammed through” in more than a year (about 13 months) with, if I recall correctly, more than 50 hearings, 25 days of debate and acceptance of Republican amendments.
I also asked her to describe Trump in three words and her response was: “Stupid asshole”
Can we take a minute and appreciate that we are now up to THREE fucking people who are believably dead shark fuckers? That is a stunning amount of people who we believe would fuck a dead shark.
Mating call. Pheromone release. I had an absolutely inappropriate neighbour to whom I made the mistake of selling my car. One of those: he gets close, I step back, he gets close, I step back until I am at a ledge. At any rate, when we were in negotiations, I was not going to let him in my house. So, he perched himself…
She looks good - but at the same time she looks like she won a fight with a Kardashian’s closet.
Wrap it up in air-tight little bundles and give it away as gifts. My birthday is in november😚
I completely get Amy on this. I worked in the service industry and I’ve also been suuuuper poor. I’m rich now, not like Amy rich, but I can pay all my bills, go out to eat, and still put money in savings every month rich (so solidly middle class). I’m a generous tipper. I’ve been known to leave a $50 tip on a $30…
It feels like a case of Prisoner’s Dilemma. We’re all better off if we can commit to single payer, and yet people are too concerned about their own perceived piece of the pie to see it. Having your neighbor’s home go into foreclosure because they can’t cover their medical bills is bad for everyone. People who don’t…
I have nationalised health care where I live now and couldn’t be happier with it. People see it as a public service (like the fire dept or police) which is how it should be. I feel sick even thinking about taking my kids back to the US just because of the healthcare situation.
My mother would do her hair at my grandma’s, with her sister. The three of them would be in curlers and under a dryer for pretty much the whole day. The smell of aerosol is one of my earliest childhood memories :)
The “justification” for an abortion is that the patient wants one, period. Your idea of what the “right reasons” (I can only imagine what those are in your worldview) for an abortion matter not one whit to anyone who is not you. Abortion is often PRECISELY for people who want to correct mistakes made in bed that…
Folks are out here really struggling financially, mentally, and emotionally just trying to be a person. Some don’t have running water, they have no support.
What do you mean? They are privately funded. The funds the government is refusing to provide are the normal reimbursements that they are usually required to give for cancer screenings, fertility treatment and other non-abortion medical care.
Okay, now THAT would be worth it.
What if they used his stupid lion tattoo to reveal he’s a Lannister spy and then Arya runs him through with Needle?
I really liked this one, too: