I kinda assumed somebody would’ve posted the Randy Newman song by now.
I kinda assumed somebody would’ve posted the Randy Newman song by now.
how can you possibly make this video and omit NFL 2K5
This has nothing to do with gun control. The police are perfectly capable of not shooting everyone that moves in a house when the perceive the people in it as human. The problem is there are large swaths of us who they do not perceive as human.
Don’t underestimate the impact that the lack of gun control has on police tactics.
I believe I may know which one your talking about. I was about to post that I was surprised it wasn’t on this list, but then realized it is a huge spoiler.
This is an invalid list without the inclusion of this one. Best loop episode of any sci-fi show.
It shouldn't even be a privilege in a civilised society. But I learned long ago that America only pretends to be civilised.
You know, I’m something of an improv comic myself...
Should have called him a Son of a Steve Doocy. Way more insulting.
Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
And then Disney buys Microsoft. And then Amazon buys Disney. And then the Vogons demolish the Earth to make way for a hyperspace bypass.
I still hate G4 for killing TechTV.
I’m stuck in Covid Standard Time. Today is Wednesday, March 675th, 2020.
Post your favourite time loop stories here!
The AKIRA TV anime was announced by Otomo at Anime Expo 2019, and Sunrise confirmed their involvement in the production.
Three things killed the live action for me:
1. The joss whedon level dialogue
I also loved how personal and contained so much of 12's run was, particularly his last season.* The Ice Fair episode in particular was a great return to form after so long away. It was basically just: “lets have fun exploring the past, and do what we can to help the people in front of us.”
And contestants have to read while wearing a ridiculous-looking air filter over their eyes!