Apparently SEGA didn’t care for the design, but got overruled by higher up producers. Team Sonic people have been pretty diplomatic, but its not hard to read between the lines.
Apparently SEGA didn’t care for the design, but got overruled by higher up producers. Team Sonic people have been pretty diplomatic, but its not hard to read between the lines.
Wow and go figure, the comments are still toxic. People are never happy anymore. I can’t remember a single instance where a company did this and yet people are still being negative Nancy.
This is goddamn nightmare fuel. And the worst part is that my child adores all things Sonic, so I know I’m going to have to suffer through it.
Bad scenario: It’s incredibly bad and we all forget about it later.
Hypothetical better scenario: It’s still incredibly bad but Jim Carrey ends up having so much fun playing Ivo Robotnik that we all later end up watching it on DVD once in a beer-binged while alongside Street Fighter’s Mr.Bison played by Raul Julia for…
I’m fascinated by the marketing of this film.
Rice is a shrewd choice for the only organization in America that tortures more people than the Bush administration.
There was one in the works, but unfortunately was never completed.
... including the “ creepy furry fan “ who wrote that for you?
I get that people who have read the comics for years are bummed, but the assumption that the comic has pretty much anything to do with the brand’s continued success is a little silly. If anything, the fact that Sega continued to let the comic run despite it being so drastically different from the games is the thing…
“. . . I find it strange that the documentary makers didn’t confirm the date of the photograph or the publication in which it originally appeared. That’s the first thing they should have done.”
“I’m fearful the Democratic Party is already moving too far to the left,”
This is nonsense. I remember seeing a documentary in the nineties about what happened to Amelia Earhart. She was kidnapped by aliens along with a bunch of other people, and taken to a planet on the other side of the galaxy. Then some other humans got lost in space and found Amelia Earhart after discovering a pickup…
Every high school student is immediately going to fall into the following categories:
This seems like one of those ideas that someone pitched to the Mayor as a splashy policy that would generate a lot of “tough love” good publicity, but lord will it have massive amounts of unforeseen (or completely foreseeable from some peoples’ points of view) consequences. For instance; disabled children won’t get a…
A marshmallow held by tongs. Despite the image of advanced VR we’ve been granted by science fiction, I have a feeling that, at it’s heart, we’re never going to get anything any better from VR than a marshmallow held by tongs.
For Bison, that was the most painful day of his life. For Chun-Li, it was Tuesday
Fox is the digital subchannel... 12.2. CBS is the main Network.