New York deserved 9/11.
Well, this might help, too: As of today, it’s back on Netflix (had been a Hulu exclusive for a couple years now), and its spin-off RPG, Magia Record, just got its release in English:
Surprisingly, I got used to Mami-sato pretty quickly. It’s the actress they picked for Shinji I’ve been less thrilled with.
You know a movie’s memorably bad when the only person who seems to be having any fun is the one who is literally dying on stage.
RIP, Raul.
It’s possible they legally may not actually have the rights to ‘Mobius’.
Just Google Ken Penders. But absolutely do not Google his artwork.
The reason studios don’t go the Roger Rabbit route anymore: They can’t sell it in China.
Go fuck yourself, William.
Personal oldie-but-goodie: Pokecapn & Co’s Sonic 06 LP. Unlike Arin Hanson, these guys actually had prior experience to 3D Sonics and finished the game. Also unlike Arin Hanson, they’re not annoying as fuck.
I used to think like you.
I was so young.
We don’t know the concrete reason(s) why yet, but the series suddenly stopped publishing at the start of the year, and Archie keeps kicking back the publishing dates to later and later; while Sonic’s usual staff have been reassigned to other Archie books. It could be that, as a smaller publisher, Archie has decided to…
The three reasons why, despite its quality and cult status, Sonic SatAM didn’t stand a chance of lasting longer than its two season run.
1) Saturday Morning Cartoons were seeing the beginning of their declining period, even back in ‘93. In a lot of markets, affiliates were pre-empting the show for Saturday Morning NCAA…
I don’t believe there’s been a persistent voice actor for him that lasted more than two games.
Jaleel voiced Sonic in both cartoons. And in the 1999 cartoon, Sonic Underground. Basically, through the ‘90s he was Sonic.
Here’s an interview with him from Shout Factory’s DVD:
Small correction, Heather: You say the cartoon was based on the comics; it’s actually the other way around. There was coordination between Sega, DiC and Archie on overall plot, character designs and settings, it takes more time to produce an animated work than a comic book, so the comics saw public release first.…
Yeah, I have the “Last Year” (7559) version of the Inspiron 15, too. Don’t need it to run the latest and greatest at the highest framerate and resolution. Just need it to run the games I want to play without too much muss and fuss.