
She was my favorite girl... ‘til the Rebellion movie.

I still feel for her, though.

Sara’s a humanoid princess. Note the tail. The fandom’s best guess is that she’s a cat girl of some sort. That thing on her head’s probably hiding a set of ears.

And I find Game Grumps to be intolerable. Arin especially.

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Fixed that for you (Bonus: They finished the game).

I remember picking up an issue a few years back and Robotnik (I refuse to call him Eggman)...

Mods and ROM hacks banished to the nether realm between this reality and the one where Sonicgames kept being good include Sonic 3 Complete, Sonic Classic Heroes, Metal Sonic Hyperdrive, Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles (lol), Mobius Evolution, Somari the Adventurer, Sonic 2 XL, Knuckles in Sonic 1, and Sonic 1 Megamix.

I agree. Sonic CD’s a bit of an acquired taste, and as someone who has also played a few Tax/Stealth demos, I think they could really use a professional level designer. Replayable, big maps are fine and all, but theirs get to be too overwhelmingly labyrinthine.

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Looks more to me like a ruined Rooftop Run.

Think I’ll have 41-doughnuts in rememberance of him.

“Only black people in Minnesota is Prince and Kirby Puckett.” - Chris Rock

So I guess this means there are no black people in Minnesota anymore. RIP, Sweet Prince :(

As a person who generally prefers dubs, I typically watch the 1995 film subtitled. I don’t know whether it’s due to bad direction or whatever, but the lady playing Kusanagi in the dub sounds less like she’s acting, and more like she’s boredly narrating a slideshow presentation. Thank the Gods for Mary Elizabeth

I haven’t read Console Wars, but I’ve been a Sonic/Sega fan long enough to be aware of all the horror stories. And to SoJ’s (minor) defense, the only monkey wrench they threw this time was the WiiU exclusivity deal with Nintendo. From what I’ve read, the radical redesigns, the scope creep with the gameplay elements,

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This video from the guy who runs the Unseen64 site offers a bit more insider info.

IIRC... Didn’t Capcom go on to use that same Jill character model for Vanessa Schneider in the obscure GameCube title, P.N.03? Now if she cosplayed that, I’d be particularly impressed.

Aaron Webber. Handsome fellow.

28 year old male here, 5’10”, 180 lbs. Am I too tall to date? Too short to date? Too old to date? Too Young to date? Too fat to date? Too self-conscious to date?

evil is real. Murdering innocent people to achieve a political objective is evil

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It’s not a well-known fact, but any Voyager footage goes much better when accompanied by this song:

I remember in Spielberg’s Catch Me If You Can, Leo DiCaprio played Frank Abagnale, while the real Abagnale cameoflaged as a French cop.

It’s Luverne, Minnesota. Near Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It’s in Rock County, which is interesting because it’s one of the only MN counties without its own natural lake, and I fully expect them to fudge this fact when it airs. But it’s nowhere near Scott Walkerland. Thank God.