
While the specifics to the deal between Archie Comics and Sega are generally unknown to the public, it has recently come to light via a lawsuit between Sega, Archie and an ex-Archie Sonic writer that the only thing Archie really has the rights to are the publication of the issues themselves. Any character that's

Kotaku, sadly like most of the major gaming sites, still like to pretend its 2006, and thus any opportunity to make Sega look bad, or make Sonic fans look like a bunch of pissants, man-children or furries, they jump at. Don't take it too personally. Slow news day I guess.

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed the Anthony Hopkins likeness.

Sonia Gomez, IIRC.

It's pretty obvious that they brought Kevin Conroy and Adrianne Barbeau in to dub new lines for the promo, and that's awesome. You can definitely tell this when Kevin utters "This isn't a car" as though it were the highlight of his day.

91 episodes, according to IMDB. Then he was replaced by Buster Jones. I believe Arsenio's commitments to his talk show were the reason for his departure. They still should've replaced him with Ernie, though.

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I think it was animated in Japan... You see a lot of Japanese names in these credits.

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Underrated composer Joel Goldsmith tragically passed away in April, a mere eight years after his legendary father. In remembrance here's my favorite sci-fi opening theme of all time, the one that put him on the musical map.

Or the second, really.

Doubt it.

"So many times films with great ideas are destroyed because the director is a moron. Anyone else even more excited to see what the Nolan's do to Supes?"

And he was Rocko in Rocko's Modern Life!

That woman would be Canadian fetish model Bianca Beauchamp, btw.

Sonic Adventure was good for it's time but it has aged like rotting garbage, go back and play through the game again and see how "great" it really was"

"It was an interesting documentary, but not particularly profound, but entertaining nonetheless"

I think he meant he preferred the green-eyed, long legged modern character design of Sonic, not the game designs of the Sonic Adventure games.

Actually, you have that backwards... The Archie Comics (still going, by the way) adapted the cartoons. It's just that production of a comic book takes far less time to complete than a cartoon, hence the Archie Comics went out to the public first... Causing the confusion.

... That... That can't be true. At least I hope it's not true.

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Voyager has its moments with me, but yeah I did really like Tuvok. Credit to Tim Russ. He's seriously humorous at being humorously serious.