I really liked Horner's soundtrack, too.
I really liked Horner's soundtrack, too.
I do.
Always felt like that was the low point of both franchises.
That's the profile view of Titanic's stern.
Doubly approved by this user. Coupled with a lil' Gordon Lightfoot. I'd take this song any day over Celine Dion.
Lots of noted character actors played virtually unrecognizable Thermians. Enrico Colatoni being the most famous of them. There's also Missi Pyle, J.P Manoux, Rainn Wilson as you mentioned, and even frequent Trey Parker/Matt Stone collaborator Dian Bachar.
"because Sigourney Weaver is hot"
Here is where I officially give my nerd card back.
Actually... I watched a few of those episodes. Despite its painfully 90s animation style, it's a lot better than I thought.
Never been about the games for me.
Geez... The only bigger insult they could do to this would be to make it star Nick Simmons.
Okay... Let's get something straightened out here: Sonic Pocket Adventure is not merely NGP's "Sonic 2". It was its own game.
Tangentially related... The poor schmuck.
Y'see... That's the diff between Canada and the USA. The Toronto Police just smiled, took a picture, and went along with the gag.
Not to mention that they still need to make 15 more Jaws films!
How can you be sure my username's not my real name?
Sorry, Dan, but if you recast Bill Murry, you lose me as a customer.