I think the similarities are simply because he's a big fan of the paranormal.
Hell; it's not event limited to the topic of fan art... Archie Comics has been publishing Sonic comics for 18 years, and in that time, they've employed professionals whose ability to draw Sonic & co were... To put it lightly, "questionable"
In my username's case... that'd be a little redundant.
She makes them herself, I don't know where she gets the materials, though.
Forget Spider-Man... THIS is the film that needs its trailer analyzed frame-by-frame!!
On Friday they're putting up Ridley Scott's "Batman Beyond".
I've seen some of those 'shopped images of Tom Hiddleston as Data going around... And to be honest, it's kinda making me crave a TNG reboot more than I want to see J.J.'s next TOS crew film.
"...you just have to glance at a few examples of Jim Balent's Catwoman art to loathe it properly."
May be a sign that Asperger's is becoming contagious...
I love that that's Mel Brooks doing an uncredited voice cameo. "You little pisher..."
For being a successful franchise with four movies... There's surprisingly little cosplay of Selene out there on the web
Ah. Sorry.
You could argue the same thing eventually happens to all long-running comic books.
Who, me or Penders?
Tried reading a few of those. Could get over how big of a D-I-C-K Sonic was. Prefer Archie.
Julie-Su's a girl. She's Knuckles's love interest.
The guy's name is Ken Penders. He claims that the only thing Archie has the rights to in their contract with Sega is printing the stories, and that they do not own any of the characters. Thus; any Sega-created character is Sega's, and any character created specifically for the comics belong to the creators. And…
Which is why the comics based themselves on the cartoons, the second of which had a pretty engaging story.