First thing I noticed too, fucking disgraceful...
First thing I noticed too, fucking disgraceful...
45 can’t bring himself to mention any woman, even a murdered one, without framing it around whether he finds her attractive or not.
kudos on the cups and them brats, but man, that’s a rough 29.
I bet jumping on a trampoline while holding a jade egg in your vagina is amazing for your core.
Yaaaaassssss! Winner! And uncanny!
I will totally admit I didn’t really know the reason behind the current sanctions until Planet Money covered it a few weeks ago. If you could have seen me, I was literally driving around in my car with my mouth dangling open in horror.
Here’s the thing about the Mooch: he’s not just coked-up, he’s irony-deficient.
Don’t be distracted by the Wiseguy Variety Hour. The real story this week is Bill Browder’s Senate testimony and the dots that he links together between Putin’s kleptocracy racket and the “adoption” meetings.
You guys ever read an interview with someone and say to yourself at the end: “Holy shit that guy was on a lot of cocaine.”?
I love ikea. It’s fun to walk around in, the furniture is fine, the food is decent, and building that shit is like solving puzzles. My mom invited me over last week just to put together two wardrobes for her. It was great.
She “became deceased?” Yeah, no. She was shot and killed by the cop.
Lmaooooo Kelly this is actually Jessica Williams (I read Jezzie every day) and this headline is hysterical. I’m screaming. Thanks for watching and sharing this, bb!
They won’t learn, but : HEY REPUBLICANS: THIS IS WHAT LOYALTY TO YOUR PARTY GETS YOU. You get randomly fired by some Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps cosplayer because the White House needs a scapegoat and they’re devouring themselves from the inside out. How does that personal responsibility feel? Do you have your…
I think SO MUCH of this comes down to over-planning and/or having way overblown expectations. See also: New Year’s Eve. A friend of mine recently planned a bachelorette weekend for a bride she was friends with and since it didn’t go exactly according to plan (a plan which was in the bride’s head and likely looked like…
I made it through two episodes. I’m so glad to see everyone hated it as much as I did. Upwardly mobile Harvard grad New Yorkers in terrific apartments with lots of money? No thank you.
I read this headline and screamed. I immediately texted a picture of the headline to my friend, because that is exactly how we watched this show.
That’s how I feel and I will continue watching it until it’s over. Basically the only person I like in the show is Felix.
Made the mistake of hate-watching this yesterday and now I can’t stop talking about how much I loathe this the show. I mean, its pretty incredible how despicable these characters are - you really have to try to make an entire cast that mean-spirited. I don’t understand how such a large group of people…
Kids today, smh. I realize this might not get you a lot of ‘likes’ on social media but when I was younger we’d record ourselves doing ‘drive-by fundamentals challenges’ on people’s driveways. Can you execute a sound chest pass? Can you correctly switch on D? Can you box out for a rebound? And then we’d take the VHS…