Poignant - and though we realize it is a slur that should be changed, why do we continue to watch NFL games at all? Goodell's office is where the power lies to make the change - it doesn't absolve Snyder, but Goodell could force him to change it, and for that matter any name change would require approval by the head…
Unless you live an entirely debt free life, there is nowhere else you can get the as low of loan rates for anything these days.
The great thing about criticizing someone who is dead for personal profit, I suppose, is that they can't respond?
He is also the cameraman, lead and associate writers, lighting director, caterer, the gaffer, key grip, and makeup artist. No one is as funny or talented to Olbermann as Olbermann.
Reminds me of when Lion Desmond Howard was playing with a minor neck injury, but ran back a kickoff return for TD. Robert Porcher came up and slapped his helmet, aggravated the injury. I don't think he played a full game of football after that, ended up on injured reserve, was released and never signed with another…
Is this the media's way of saying "we don't like your bullshit, Ravens management?"
Well, good luck with that!
Reading from the limited sources that have this story, it sounds like the dealership's website did an automatic redirect to her family's Fundly website...they never collected any money. They never donated money themselves, but claim they were eventually going to.
Click on the link to WAVY above, they have the radio spot.
"I'm just glad I got out of the NFL before things got really ugly." - Aaron Hernandez
Yes, I would say to still watch it, I did like the show... but if you get into the last season and lose interest, don't feel bad about quitting early
Yep, I'm with you on this Obama. I did find the end satisfactory, though I realize I'm in the minority. I think they could have done more with it, but IIRC, the last season came after the writer's strike?
We the people deserve a 500X Abarth - but yes, this is aesthetically a much better offering than the 500L.
Not trying to kiss ass here, but I do NOT consider this a 'clickbait' headline - the fact that salt water is used as an electrolyte, which be replenished like a gas tank, is the single most significant part of the story?
I suspect the cost of producing the electrolyte (if it isn't vaporware) is going to insanely high.