
Malsumis hasn't been this satisfied since Joe Theismann's compound leg fracture.

Do keep in mind, with exception of the one...uhh, exception - these were modified cars for under $10,000 on eBay.

What do you drive that you can pull that off, Copperfield?

"I'm sure that if the same thing occurred with a special teams player, the Vikings would have handled it exactly the same way" - Nobody

Yeah, with you on this...though if the owner lowered it to around $4.5k, things get interesting, regardless of the maintenance costs.

Is it just me, or is the entire world of sports unraveling at an exponential rate?

Takata is 100% responsible for delivering non-conforming product. The actions taken by Honda to quietly settle claims, not report the magnitude of the problem to the NHTSA, only issue limited recalls for years is where their own responsibility comes into play.

*Technically* Honda did take bailout money, but the major source for said bailout was the Japanese government, rather than the U.S. government. In 2009, basically every single automaker suffered enough to require government intervention, none of the banks were willing to provide loans of any sort for a short time

Neutral: Why Not Anti-Honda Outrage? What's the difference between GM and Honda here?

I think the owners might choose to get rid of him, just to avoid any subordinate scapegoat arguments. Sure, they love how easily manipulated he is, but management can find another puppet that will dance just like him.

I cannot believe Goodell hasn't learned that the cover up will getcha every time. Had he just apologized, acknowledged he had been tone deaf to the problem, and was going to learn from this, we wouldn't have much left to talk about. The media and forum comments like mine can only drone on so long about it before

How different would things be if we had built roads with that metallic conductor, so that automakers could then do V2V, vehicle automation, and maybe inductive charging at some point? I mean, it Michigan it would never work with the condition of our roads... but for the rest of the would, it could have been a game

Máté never told us you were a Saab freak!?

Well, rest easy that now, because, there has been widespread outrage, Ray Rice is probably done in the NFL. And to think, if the NFL had just meted out something like a one year suspension in the first place, this would have never blown up to the point that is career is over.

Same punishment as Ray Lewis would be:

The angle she hit that handrail, man he's lucky she isn't dead...

Will Denton hire Chris Kluwe already?

I saw that your ad got flagged, very annoying. I wish I could send David Hasselhoff to personally kick your ex-husband's ass, but I lack the resources to make that happen. Also, this would not work if your ex actually happens to be David Hasselhoff.