
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Starbucks makes coffee(like) drinks for people who don’t like the taste of coffee...

Seth MacFarlane has surprisingly great pipes. He’s released jazz standards albums and on the movie “Sing” his character is obnoxious but gives an outstanding rendition of “My Way”. What I’m saying is, he won’t be the worst voice on that album *cough*Gwencan’tsing*cough. 

Well shit. Too late to edit now. Guess I’ll go and throw up all over myself somewhere.

Yeah, he did molest his daughter. Not sure why that is so fucking hard to believe except for his decades-long campaign undermining his ex-wife so his marrying her daughter (who he undoubtedly groomed while living as her stepfather) must’ve really worked on you.

I hate to even dignify you with a response but to anyone else who nodded along to your defense (you really ARE) of Woody Allen, take a moment to read this:

Shit! Google suff before posting things like this! It’s sick to believe Woody over his own daughter’s accusation!

I do not get the woody Allen Hollywood circle jerk. OR roman Polanski.

I’m just saying, if she took the plug out it wasn’t to deflate his kayak. It wasn’t inflated and it wasn’t inflatable. The headline of this article is wrong.

Yeah. It wasn’t a plug to hold in air, it was a plug used to drain water.

Uh... she didn’t deflate his kayak. The kayak was not the inflatable type:

Agree to disagree. But you’re one of my favorite posters around here.

If you have to say it’s not a pyramid’s probably a pyramid scheme.

I don’t care if she has bathtubs filled with coke, Harvey still shouldn’t rape people.

Alleged traces of narcotics.

You’re one bad decision after another.

You were pretty clear...

I don’t remember this much ire when President Obama was hanged in effigy nearly every week. These folks really hate them some Kathy. That is a strange hill to die on considering the terrible male comedians out there.

Really, you’re still mad about that whole Trump thing?

Welp, I’ve never felt more alone or single in my life. Thanks Ted!