Some, you assume, are good people?
Some, you assume, are good people?
I think....I think...I think they are...
Men are really not sending us their best people.
Cool. Where’s the fucking receipt?
AND, according to the research you linked, men are more likely to be stalked by other men than by women!
“What about when girls do it tho”.
Statistically they aren’t.
She’s really using the “He has daughters!” excuse? And tossing in “I’ve known him forever!” and “You weren’t there!”
Lindsay did not listen to anything that girl said. She made up her own story for her in her head and just went with it. People not listening when I’m being clear is a huge pet peeve of mine. That conversation was so uncomfortable to watch. Does Lindsay ever interact with real people because that is not how human conve…
Have you read Les Misérables? The book, I mean.
Hi, Louis.
Isn’t it terrible when people willingly perform actions, and then face the consequences of those actions?
Right. His whole “apology” was “these women admired me!” I squandered all that admiration!
Are you a real person
There are almost certainly jurisdictions where non-consensual self-exposure is criminally wrong. Uhh do you actually know anything about this story at all?
Yeah. It’s definitely not nice to bully a person who isn’t allowed to work because his own actions have created an unsafe work environment for his coworkers.
lol, his apology where he didn’t apologize was a sincere one.
lol. the guy in a bad place who is in that bad place because he sexually harassed women and lied is now being bullied.
lol. he did lie about it like every other scumbag for years until there was a story that came out about it.
If they actually purchased $1.5 million in face value debt for $12,500, this must have been the worst sort of garbage zombie debt that the original creditors had long since given up on collecting and was being traded for pennies on the dollar by scam artists.