I will never understand why Tyga, the adult who left his fiancée and child for another child gets invited to vacays and whatnot while Black Chyna is the evil villain for hooking up with Rob.
KHLOE (aside to Scott): Do you think we could deliberately get him lost off-trail from the ski resort?
“Shaken to the core (almost)” by a pink dress, huh? I think this person is (almost) too fragile to be watching any TV at all.
WHO TAKES A PICTURE OF THAT? People are fucking sick.
I don’t think everything deserves prison. I think a lot of people who are in prison shouldn’t be. But this shit needs to be swatted down hard to discourage anyone else. Our national parks are a treasure for all of us.
Banned in the great uptopia! How dare they I say!
I was once banned from public parks for smoking pot. White privilege! (Also Seattle privilege which is somewhat relevant in this case but also we are pretty white up here.)
I don’t think anyone will ever top Affluenza Boy. Not even the Brock Turner the Stanford rapist who got 6 months and only had to serve 3 will ever top Affluenza Boy for White Privilege.
I’d say she’s a thug, but that’s an insult to thugs. She’s a dipshit.
A San Diego woman named Casey Nocket built a name for herself under the Instagram handle “Creepytings” for her…
They have, you know, ACTUAL black people as friends and partners and family.
colourpop is SO much better than the kylie lipkits.
What is with this family and using black folks as props? Also, I love how the same features on Kylie are hawt but on a black woman it’s not. What a world. I guess this is the social bleaching of a new white ethnic category in progress. Soon enough, Caucasians (the mountain ranges) will be white too!
I will never understand this site’s decision to constantly plug this terrible franchise.
someone come pick him up
I’m part of the COI community, and have followed Ruth for a long time. And while I don’t agree that a cat should be taken away from its owner, I 100% believe that Ruth would not do it without reason. That lady has a heart of gold and you can tell it through everything she writes and posts, especially when it comes to…