
I’m with the librarian about Point #2. You can’t expect a library to get rid of all the children’s books with subtle sexist messages. Even if the library just got rid of all the books with OVERT sexist messages, it wouldn’t carry any European fairy tales. (Except Hansel and Gretel. Gretel’s a badass.) I think the

There are just so many cascading failures in these cases... from the basic undemocratic premise of spying on vaguely dissident groups that aren’t terroristic, to ethical failures of police leadership in approving and continuing to approve these anti-social deep-cover missions, to the absolute moral bankruptcy of a


I love the dichotomy of his party boy persona vs. his save-the-earth-we-only-have-one image. I imagine he howled with the boys then was all like “but for real guys, wolves are really endangered.”

Or maybe if you’re all 40, you just don’t name your friend group and call it a day.

I do think some of the fashionistas with proper reverence give Brooke her props. Early career Cindy was brow-suit as well. As for the tux tails? Hang on, it’s going to be a bumpy night ;) ;)

I'm just eye-rolling "since the rise of Cara Delevingne...." Hey, Millennials: get over thinking you invented everything. We had thick eyebrows before your dad had a 'twinkle in his eye for your mom, blah, blah..."Also - these are Brooke's 'thinnest' brows. Sorry Randi for hanging on your lovely Lady tux tails

Literally everything I write on his website is for my own amusement.

I think Kara personally put it on a respirator for her own amusement.


Jenner is a ‘secondary reality television personality’ who has received criticism from disability rights groups and African-American communities.”

#TeamMinogue. Also, if you ever get the chance to see her live, do it. Her voice is so much more substantial than recordings.

I’m 100% sure she did not get the joke.

I thought the comment was perfect. He’s responding to the fact the people question the necessity of the procedure. Nobody makes that comment when there’s news a hand or face transplant.

Who are these people?

Maybe when rapists are convicted of their crimes, victims will go to law enforcement instead of filing a civil suit. and also, her civil suit isn’t about damages. It’s about getting out of her contract. learn what she’s asking for and maybe you’ll figure out why she’s going the civil lawsuit route. (did I mention that

What I don’t understand is that a show that started 20 years ago no longer originated in the 1980s.*

Update - there is now a “No” option, which I forgot to add in the original poll. Please feel free to say NO!

He was recently on an episode of Workaholics as a quasi-homeless former High School drama teacher and it was hilarious. It was like the perfect role for Andy Dick.