
I lived in SF from age 24 to age 44. Here’s what no one who still lives there wants to admit: our once-beloved city now belongs very frimly to the Justin Kellers of the world. SF is their city now, and there’s no going back, no saving it. The damage is done. SF is coasting on its amazing history, but this is its

No one cares about your boner.

I don't watch snl anymore so I have not seen this Colin host fellow before but he is adorabbbbbble. I want to have sexuals with him too.

I think it’s a “layered look” kind of thing. Remember those jackets that looked there was a hoodie under them? Like that.

oh shit.

You clearly do not fashion.

I have a couple. I wear elbow-length gloves with them, and I think it’s bitchin’. Also, on a larger person (which I am) coat sleeves can feel especially bulky. I love the freedom of not having to worry about catching my sleeve on anything. I think MM’s coat is really fabulous, just styled ALL WRONG.

Fuck them.

wait what? you know innocent til proven guilty is for reals right? and also the cops don’t always arrest the right suspect?

Without speculating to deeply, this kid is from Columbia, MD, a well-to-do suburb of Baltimore and DC. Affluenza season may soon be upon us.

I don't hate Chelsea Handler but godddd Bobby Flay is nauseating

Bobby Flay/Chelsea Handler: least likable couple ever?

Terry Richardson, sexual assaulter and sometime photographer.

I dunno, Cory Booker was probably shoveling snow in between rescuing old ladies from burning buildings and serving hot coffee to homeless people.


Whenever I hear somebody use female as a noun while referring to humans, it is an immediate sign to me that whatever is coming out of their mouth will be deeply rooted in misogyny. I have yet to be wrong.