
I mean, idk but having so many corgis that I could conceivably trip on one seems like the opposite of a problem.

The most insulting part of this is that I have to supply my own love interest.

Hey Kelly, I'm the girl who tweeted at Amanda saying I wanted to cover up my Dresden Dolls tattoo. My Twitter handle is @drkeithablow, in case you were wondering.

You know what? All of a sudden I don't care if Kyle MacLachlan does end up solving her murder.

"My sorority ran a soup kitchen for disenfranchised kittens, so..."

"Jezebel is always making out the Greek system to be so terrible, my experience wasn't like that!"

Being Greek is a whole lot like being in cult. It all seems so reasonable when you're doing it, but it looks completely crazy town from the outside.

I'm sorry but you're wearing the wrong shade of pearls, I'm going to need you to go home and change ASAP.

It kind of made me just want to pat him on the head and say, "good effort. Shows improvement."

So close, Flea. C-

I think so, it also looks like cross-dressing Ken in that last picture is holding a pair of nuts too.

God, this happened so much in so many different places. In Ireland, in England, in America. There's never any way to make anyone responsible pay for what they did to these children. There's just bones to uncover and lies to untangle. There's never any justice.

These people are dicks and even if they had gotten the seats they wanted I'm 1000% sure they would have found something else to complain about and not left a tip.

Sooooooooooo... they ate their whole meal, probably ran poor Miranda ragged (because they are dicks) and then, after being provided a service, refused to pay her for it? After getting $50 off of their meal from a Groupon? Holy shitsnacks, I want to punch something right now, but I'm in the office and that's

once told by a trainer not to drink electroylyte-balancing liquids prescribed by the show's doctor because it would "ruin her one last chance to save her life.

I really like you, Mark. But I have a red pencil here that is just dying to correct all these typos.

I believe all of this. I knew there was now way you could healthily lose 50-100 lbs in a few months.

Translation - I know nothing, so, in order to trash this guy who is going to do something good by creating this scholarship, I'll fling around as much shit as I can in the hope that some might actually stick.