I relate. It's the same reason why I don't get into the faux brands over here despite there being a massive, relatively legal, market for them.
I relate. It's the same reason why I don't get into the faux brands over here despite there being a massive, relatively legal, market for them.
I can't afford a real Chanel bag either, but I still think a fake one is beneath me. I guess I am a brokeass snob?
I once had to plan a large dinner for a law school student group. Because of the way the restaurant contract was written, I had to know the exact number of people who were attending.
Let me be super clear about this: I think everyone should be allow to love whomever they want and be a religious person. I don't think that religious sect of any kind should discriminate against gay people. With that being said, I understand how and why a person might decide they want to live within their communities…
I don't understand the laziness. Couldn't she walk there, if it is on the same damn parking lot? Why did anyone even need a car?
I loved that you held your kid out to him and told him to do something about her. Mad respect.
Yes, if the party is organized to the point that an actual invitation has been proffered, not responding is quite rude. But these evite and Facebook events things…I can't with these.
That happened to me. I threw a Christmas party over the weekend, provided all booze, made all the food myself (not chips and salsa, we're talking caviar pie, homemade spreads etc), even got boozey prizes (it was ugly sweater theme) and planned it about 3-4 weeks in advance. 30 people invited, SIX RSVPS. I hunted down…
People who don't RSVP when you're spending your own money to entertain them, thus causing you to have to overdo it on the food and beverages, are the WORST. I hate these people. It's one thing to not show up to your friends party down the street that was thrown together that day for drinking, it's another thing to not…
I have a rule. Nothing goes in my vagina that my partner won't immediately miss if it doesn't come out.
I'm glad it works for you. I would be resentful as all fuck if I was pregnant and my husband got to screw around on the side while I was carrying his child to be brought in to the world.
why cant anyone spell cocoa
She likes tacky cups, he can't spell cocoa. HOW COULD THESE TWO KIDS NOT MAKE IT WORK.
As an owner of an almost 2 year old corgi... I do not think she has thought this one through. Like, my dog is still pretty trim for a puppy and she's a hefty 25 lbs (at least) of doggie muscle and slobber and fluff — significantly heavier and messier than a bouquet of flowers. Are her bridesmaids weight-lifters that…
Ahhhh this was so me, working a drive-through as a teen! Either she's just bored, trying to make her coworkers laugh, or BOTH. In any case, delightful.
Domestication isn't something you can do to one animal. It takes generations of selective breeding— although with a canid and our modern understanding of what we're doing, surprisingly few, it would appear. From Wikipedia: Domesticated silver fox:
Well, look like some someones have hit the big leagues: Nell Scovell has penned a brief ode to Broad City's Abbi…
I am thinking in this situation, it is more like to be "their fatherS" than "their father".
googled chess pie. It literally is 2c sugar 1c butter and cornmeal. Ew.
Oh for fuck's sake, Mormons.