I was going to say the same thing. Girl has been rocking feminism from the mid-90's...
I was going to say the same thing. Girl has been rocking feminism from the mid-90's...
Opinions are like assholes: everyone has one.
Step aside Gwen. This is how we do it.
...her last solo album, Love Angel Music Baby...
"Well, maybe I will come to your country then. And eat all of your bread!"
Here's my question; did no one at the ESA not think, "Perhaps I should tell the guy who's going to be on camera, answering questions from reporters and being transmitted all around the world as the face of our agency, that his shirt is inappropriate?"
Making fun of this shirt was a thing on @Midnight last night on Comedy Central. Are these same people going to send death threats Chris Hardwick's and Bob Odenkirk's way?
"...lost the use of his legs after a motorcycle accident (he rode them as a way to relieve symptoms of PTSD)..."
Um. There is photographic evidence that Sex Offender #1 went on vacation with the family and that Big June went house-hunting with him. There is a paper trail that proves she bought him a used car for $10K.
So we all thought Pumpkin's dad was Sex Offender #1, including Pumpkin, but it turns out Pumpkin's dad was Sex Offender #2 and Mama June lied to Pumpkin and told Pumpkin it was Sex Offender #1, and now Mama June is claiming she only spent time with Sex Offender #1 to give Pumpkin closure because Pumpkin thought Sex…
To me, Nicki Minaj is to black feminists what Lena Dunham is to white feminists. Both women pride themselves on female empowerment but they're problematic as fuck and you can make an argument that neither of them are role models that feminists should look up to. Nicki has a history of being an awful, offensive person…
I've heard that he's super nice, and he attributes some of his "down to earthness" because he was a waiter in Studio City for YEARS before he was famous due to Mad Men.
Oh My God Do I Pray
There's no way that pink eyeshadow is not in a forthcoming MAC collabo.
I thought part of the appeal was the sex. So a movie about sex with minimal sex is really quite ridiculous. What they should have done was turn the book into an HBO or AMC show.
She's built an entire career only caring about anyone who could do something for her. I'm not surprised of any of this. I still love so many of her songs, but I've known for a long time from personal experience, ever since way back when she self-released that first Dresden Dolls record, that she is out for one person…
I don't understand how you can continue to support this horrible, horrible woman.