
Sounds like someone is fulfilling the requirements of their 12 step program.

Hey Adrianne Curry! Too bad the asses Jenny has kicked are mostly those of babies dying of whooping cough. Oh, and measles too.

It's when you combine the two that you really need to get worried.

Maybe they can't read?

I still can't wrap my head around the mentality of people "proudly clinging to my guns and bible" mantra. Isn't carrying around a gun to shoot people the opposite of what the bible says? Isn't there a part in Bible where we are to 'Love thy neighbor"?

Leaving aside all judgment on promiscuity and health concerns, I just feel like this is an awful lot of work for one measly little drink.

no offense, but they're hideous.

I...don't think they will.

My brother killed himself over the shame of having to wear a colostomy bag thanks to Crohns. I think images like this would have helped him feel more normal and less like he couldn't go anywhere because he had to "wear his shit in a fanny pack".

I adore this dress. And being less...endowed I wouldn't have to worry about my failure to fill out a more structured bodice.
I wonder if the lighting is making it look golden? Either way, I love that idea over the traditional white.

I am SO OVER strapless wedding dresses. But dress manufacturers love them because they cost less to make and are easier to alter. If I had to do it all over again I'd go full Kate Middleton.

You win all the lols just for 'Little Lord Scottleroy'.

Guy's Snuffed Camel-boro Dippers

Is this sarcasm?

Either I have never heard one of their songs or their songs are completely boring and unmemorable because I can't think of how a single one of their songs goes right now.

Maroon 5 has awesome music that doesn't sound like anything else on the radio.

My favorite description of him is when Erin called him "a tribal arm band tattoo that willed itself into becoming a full-fledged human man." But yours is easily #2.

Here is my sports bra PSA: I am a runner with natural Ds and I'm kind of an old lady (43). I recently discovered the Moving Comfort Juno and I LOVE it. My boyfriend came into the room smiling when I was on the treadmill and his face fell immediately and he said "they aren't moving AT ALL!". Nope, no they aren't. Bless

All I read was how she tried to delay potty training and my brain had a spasm

Why even own a car if you can't eat breakfast burritos in it?