I saw this on Facebook earlier: his eyes look cold. I certainly don't find him hot or attractive at all. He has the right parts in the right places but he's damaged goods. Next!
I saw this on Facebook earlier: his eyes look cold. I certainly don't find him hot or attractive at all. He has the right parts in the right places but he's damaged goods. Next!
I'm giving this article one star because the author used too many parenthesis and there weren't any jokes about Canada. Could also use more f-bombs.
When I was 12 years old, my mother hit pause on the VCR player, stopping the movie we were watching. I’m pretty sure…
That would be WD-40. WD-50 is a play on that name.
I have hand warmers that I use during football season, and that package is completely covered in warnings. It doesn't specifically say to not put them on your tits, but should it have to?
Bathtub faucet, problem solved
Not against this, but alcohol often is the date rape drug.
Edina: [to Bubble] You, remember, cancel my aromatherapy, my psychotherapy, my reflexology, my osteopath, my homoeopath, my naturopath, my crystal reading, my shiatsu, my organic hairdresser. And see if I can be re-birthed next Thursday afternoon.
But assuming you already have a Netflix subscription you could also do this at home. For no extra money. Or minimally the cost of a grocery store run. What am I missing here?
I think it's an accomplishment to stay in school as a teen parent and graduate.
You are so wrong, only because Zoya Pixiedust polishes exist. Those are the best textured polish out there. It's like sugar on your nails, just sparkly and pretty. Proof (from polishaholic):
"Feminist Horatio Crane" needs to be a thing right now.
Because he's looking you in the eye, not at your chest. Takes a little getting used to.
This is like the only post ever where this would be an appropriate comment.
i'm pretty sure she's a functioning anorexic.
My two cents: Solange is going after Jay-Z because he is goading her. It seems clear from the body language that she can't stand him, and that he enjoys pushing her buttons. I'm surprised that so many people assume she is either a very violent person or an abuser: it seems clear we are witnessing her reaction to his…
The weird part is that will.i.am wasn't even flying anywhere that day. He just likes to hang out at airport lounges.
If Gaga's ripping off anyone it's Grace Jones... and there's a good argument to be had there.
I wish her music was as interesting as her costumes
i can't believe she's voting for christie