It was so forced and unnatural that I actually thought they recorded it separately than added them in the way they were touching each other with blank stares.
It was so forced and unnatural that I actually thought they recorded it separately than added them in the way they were touching each other with blank stares.
I don't want to fat shame the poor kitty, but I really, really, really dislike whatever owners let him get into this state. It makes me sad to see an animal so blatantly mistreated.
Note: If you describe yourself as 'funemployed,' you can go 'funck' yourself.
Daisy Chain? Really?
I'm not listening to anyone talk about hair washing frequency unless they can match my fine/thin/sparse baby hair to an exact count. I don't need to know that someone's horsetail mane of crowning glory can be washed every 12 to 13 days with a run of baby powder douses. Thin hair needs washing every day. Twice if…
Yeah — just skip class.
Who wants me to (with a fake email address, obvs.) contact them in the name of investigative journalism?
Not when they're expressing frustration by constantly comparing their bodies to hers.
Um, you stop leading her on.
Fashion Illustrations are usually over stylized and tend to go with a very long and lean figure. They're not supposed to represent reality.
If they are a reputable business, they need those things for HR reasons. Everywhere I have ever work has asked to copy my ID and SS card. It is definitely the right thing in an establishment that sells alcohol, since most Alcohol control boards require it.
I was always super creeped out when the strip clubs I worked at insisted on seeing and photocopying my ID and SS card. But really, that was probably the right thing to do.
Riiiiiiight. Because if we can't make sure to reinforce harmful gender stereotypes at every single opportunity, we should probably just quit the internet. I'm also looking at you, 30 people that up voted this.
Do not get me started on the paleo diet having nothing to do with paleo diets.
She should change her name to Insufferable Asshole.